Chapter 5- A Little Look Into The Past

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There was another moment of silence with us just staring at eachother until I heard keys jiggling and I became agitated. I saw the knob turning and my eyes flew wide open as the door opened revealing my father.

"Hey princess, why aren't you at school?" My father asked.

"Ddd- daddy wh- what are you doing here?" I smiled crookedly at him as he stepped inside.


Alex POV

"I live here you silly girl." Her dad said jokingly, ruffling her hair while stepping inside and he quickly averted his eyes from his daughter to glanced at me in fucking disgust.

What the fuck?

"Veronica? What the hell is this dyke doing in my Godly abode?! Her father yelled throwing down the keys on the glassed dinning table.

"Shh...daddy... stop it. My shower faucet broke off and I called a Plumbing Company. She just came here to fixed it and she lives next door." Veronica explained.

"Veronica Aaliyah Mills, I don't care who the hell this thing is. It is not welcome in my home ever, you hear me? This thing-"

"Father she is not a thing, she is not an object. She is a human being for christ sake!" She exclaimed.

At this point I was getting so fucking pissed. I closed my eyes shut balling up my fist and slowly taking slow and steady breaths while counting down from 10.

I don't wanna lose my fucking temper and do some shit I might regret. Just for her sake, I will try my fucking best to contain myself. Fuck!

"If I ever see you near my daughter again, I'll ki- make sure to have the cops arrest you an-"

I flounced out furiously before he finishes his sentence, towards the company's truck. If I stand there for another second, man I might stamped on his fucking head continuously without mercy until I hear his motherfucking skull crack open.

"Alexandra!" Please, am soo-" I got in and sped off before she could finish her sentence.

"FUCK!" I screamed and punched the steering wheel hearing the horn honked.


I heard my phone ringing and I ignored that shit.

Whoever the fuck is calling can suck on my motherfucking strap and choke!

I was beyond fucking furious not only with her dad but with everything over all.

It's been 2 years and 10 months since I last seen my brother. Those motherfuckers took him away from me after I escaped the gang life and later on found out I got an outside brother and I took him from the orphanage where they had him because his mother died and they didn't know his father, my bastard of a fucking dad. I couldn't believe he did this to his family, something my mother had no clue about before they murdered her and all those years of fucking marriage. I still loved my brother with all of my heart despite this because it wasn't his fault and he was just a fucking kid.

I don't want them to take advantage of him like they did to me. I don't wish this on my worst enemy.

Those preditors still try to chase me even to this day and they won't stop because I made a blood sacrifice to always be apart of the gang and agreed that if I leave they should kill me. They took him instead because they couldn't find me, those motherfuckers don't got a clue where I am.

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