Chapter 25- Surprises

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Alex POV

Saturday 5:15 P.M.

I just reached home from work and I'm tired as fuck since I had a rough ass day today. I'm really hungry and my head is killing me. I wanna shower right now but all I wanna do is dive into this fucking bed and sleep.

Lauren's been acting weird as shit, texting me every ten fucking minutes, reminding me to stop by her crib after work.

I don't know what the fuck she been up to lately and she won't tell me either.

I stripped out of my dark blue jeans and my white t-shirt, leaving me only in my black Nike sports bra and underpants, before I fell face down into my cozy ass bed where I belong, and closed my eyes.

Fuck the shower and Lauren right now, I want sleep.


6:45 P.M.

Vrrt Vrrt Vrrt Vrrt

"Ugh. Who the fuck.." I murmured sleepily as I searched for my phone on the bed while I layed in the same position I fell asleep in.

I finally found it above my head and picked it up with my eyes half closed as I swiped my thump across the screen and put the phone to my ear.

"Speak." I answered with a gruff voice.

"Yow, where you at bro? It's almost 7!" Lauren spoke and I rolled on to my back before I ran my hand over my now grimace face.

Like, I was getting a great ass sleep and this motherfucker woke me up for bullshit?

"Nigga, I was in my deep ass slumber. Why'd you interrupt me?" I asked while rubbing my forehead and yawning.

"Because nigga, you promised you'd be here by 5:30, but your ass be sleeping."

"You know damn well I ain't promised you shit. Look, I had a long ass day and I'm tired as fuck man, I ain't even wash my ass yet."

"Just get your ass over here bredda."

"You ain't heard I said I ain't wash my ass yet?" I asked as I sat up in the bed and leaned my back against the headboard.

"Then wash it and bring it over here, punk ass- is she not- Shhhh." She said before I heard her shushing someone.



"Who the fuck was that?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What you talking bout man?" She asked.

"Nigga, I just heard someone talking in your background. Is that bitch still around?"

"Nah, she ain't."

"So, you finally fucking someone else then, I see you." I said while smirking.

"What? Nigga no. Look, just be here now my guy. It's urgent."

"Nigga, if I get up out my cozy ass bed for no motherfucking reason, I'm gonna snap your fucking neck."

"Got it. Oh, and don't forget-"


I hang up on her ass as I scooted off the bed and stretched before I headed towards the bathroom while taking my sports bra off, tossing it in the hamper, then I slid down my underpants before stepping in the shower.

I turned the faucet on before I stepped underneath the warm water, wetting my hair then turned off the faucet before putting some shampoo all over my hair and began to massage my scalp. I turned the faucet back on then started rinsing the soap out until it's soapless before I began to soap myself, then went back underneath the flow of water while I closed my eyes, enjoying the steam against my body then I felt a pair of soft hands on my back before a warm soft pair of lips were replaced and I bit my bottom lip from the sensation.

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