Chapter 17- Hard To Get You Off My Mind

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Alex POV

Sunday 9:15 A.M.

I'm so motherfucking tempted to throw this fucking dog out my goddamn house. All It does is piss and shit any fucking where in my house and I gotta clean that shit. Its only been here for two days and I'm already losing my shit. It doesn't eat nothing I tried to feed it, all it ever does is squealed and whinned all fucking night, so I locked its ass in the basement last night.

When we took it to the Vet the other day, the doctor told us that it was attacked by an adult dog because the canine teeth marks on its leg were huge, he could almost see the bone. He gave me a bottle of antibiotics that should be injected twice a day for 14 days and he also gave me a pain killer that should be dissolved in some water for it to drink, which it's the only thing it takes to survive, fortunately. After 14 days, he said I gotta bring it back for the reviews.

I gave its ass the antibiotics since morning and its knocked the fuck out in my basement.

Thank God for tranquility.

I haven't heard from Veronica since our little steamy facetime session. I've been calling and texting her over a million fucking times and she been ignoring me, I'm guessing because I hang up on her the other day. I didn't mean to but I was fucking pissed that day seeing that dog have some gotdamn audacity to come into my bedroom and shit on my motherfucking carpet in front of my fucking eyes while I was on the phone with her. Apparently, this little motherfucker don't know who the fuck I am.

I'm just gonna wait till it gets older to put its ass outside. I don't tolerate no fucking animal in my house, especial when they nasty as this one.

I'm standing by my window, looking down at Veronica walking towards her car with something that looks like a bible in her hand. I'm guessing she leaving for church because today is Sunday. I snatched my phone up from the nightstand and unlocked it before I went to call log and her name was on top of the list so I swiped it across and put it to my ear.

Vrrt Vrrt Vrrt

The phone started to ring and I watched as she glanced at the phone screen and ignored that shit as she opened her car door and went in before she started the car and drove off.

Man fuck that bitch. I ain't about to chase her ass nomo.

I don't chase no bitch, ever.

I took out a blunt from the nightstand draw and lighted that shit, taking deep puffs of the weed before exhaling it through my nostrils as I took one last glance through my window then walked over to my bed plopping down, before I layed down on my back, staring at the ceiling.

I haven't done nothing for her to be ignoring the fuck outta me for no goddamn reason.

The fuck she think she is?

She think she could just ignored me like this?

I'm about to show her ass some shit.

I snatched up my phone and unlocked it before tapping call log and my bro Lauren was the second contact in the list so I swiped her name across the screen and put the phone to my ear.

Vrrt Vrrt Vrrt

"My dawg." She responded.

"What's up bro? You good?" I asked before taking a puff of my weed.

"Yeah man. Just tryna put the best out there, ya know?" She said.

"I get that man but look, that strip club you been down my ass hole for us to chill at, is it open for tonight?"

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