Chapter 18- The Four Letter Word

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Veronica POV

Monday 6:33 A.M.| Raymond Hoods High School

I didn't even get an ounce of sleep last night. I sat up all night in my room on the cold floor for hours, crying and pulling out strands of my hair at the back of my head. Ever since I was three years old, I was diagnosed with Trichotilliomania and when my mother had just passed away, it got even worst that I even had balled spots every where in my head and my dad would get really worried about me. Dr. Rod said it's caused by anxiety and depression and it's true because whenever I get stressed or overwelmed with my emotions, that's when I start pulling out my hair but I do take medications for it that I have to take everyday, but I don't because it makes my insomnia worst. Luckily, my hair grows extremely fast otherwise, I'd be walking around with big patches in my hair.

Alex has been calling and texting me non-stop but I don't wanna talk to her. She kept telling me that she's not with that woman but when I called her last night, I heard her voice in the background. The least she could do is just be honest with me from the beginning and I would've understand because I was the one who came in the picture in the first place. I know I have no right to be upset because she made it clear to me that she doesn't want a relationship and even if she did, I know it would be almost impossible for us to be in one but I just can't help feeling jealous.

"A rectangular field is half as wide as it is long and is completely enclosed by x meters of fencing. Find the area of the field in terms of x. Come on students, chop-chop." Mr Bean, our math teacher said before he turned to write on the board.

"Ugh. I hate Algebra." Vany said lowly.

"Tell me about it." I scoffed softly before I began to write in my notebook.

I hate math, period. I mean how does finding the value of 'x' help any of us in the future?

"Girl, what happened to you Friday?" Vany whispered to me.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"You were acting all weird out in the hallway. What was that about?" She asked as she took a quick glance at me before writing in her notebook.

"It's just Daniel." I sighed.

"Girl what about him?"

"He's been stalking me ever since I told him that I didn't want him and Friday he had just went over board." I whispered.

"Wait, I did not know any of this. Why haven't you told me about this before? And what the hell you mean he went over board? Did he hurt you?" She asked sternly.

"Because Vany, I didn't think it was that serious at those times, until yesterday. I was getting out of class and I heard him called out to me and I told him to leave me alone, next thing I know, I was being slammed against the lockers and he held me there for a while, saying some crazy things. fortunately, I got saved by the bell but he said something strange to me that makes me feel some type of way." I whispered.

"What the hell did he said to you?" She asked lowly.

"He said, I have my eyes on you Veronica Mills. Like what the hell does that mean?"

"Oh no, that is some creepy shit. You need to report him or you want me to get somebody to beat the crazy out his ass?" She asked.

"What? Vany no." I whispered to her.

"Why not? What he said to you sounded off as hell to me. What if he tries to hurt you?"

"I don't think he would but if he tries anything crazy, I promise to report him. Okay?"

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