Chapter 32- Restroom Marathon

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Ruff! Ruff!

"What the- how the fuck you got out of your fucking cage?!" I yelled at the dog, running towards me in my room, barking at me and wagging its tale.

Ruff! Ruff!

"Get the fuck out!"

Ruff! Ruff!

"What nigga?! You hungry or supm?!" It began to spin around in circles.

Ruff! Ruff!

"FUCK!" I shouted out of annoyance and Sandy whined loudly and took off running.

"Damn dog." I mumbled to myself as I walked towards my bedroom door, grumpy as fuck, before I stopped right in my tracks as my eyes met with no other than that motherfucking bitch herself, Gracey.

"Hey, Daddy. I missed you."


Veronica POV

Vrrt Vrrt Vrrt

"Girl, why don't you just answer him? He's been calling since we got here. I'm sure he has some kinda explanation." Ivany said as she took a sip of her glass of orange juice.

"I'm not answering. He left me out there stranded with no money. I mean, what would I do, or how would I have got home if it wasn't for you?"

"You're right. He's so wrong for tha-"

"Shhh. Did you heard that?" I asked, pulling my silky black pyjama top over my head as I slowly walked towards my window.

"Who is that chick?" Vany asked as she got up off the bed and walked over towards the window but I just stood there watching Alex as her back faced the window while she was shoving her roughly against the wall and yelling indistinctly in her face. They were a bit too close that their lips were almost touching and the woman glanced at me and smirked mischieviously before she attached her lips to Alex's, causing Alex to quickly pulled away from her and flounced over towards her window and closed the curtains and I felt my heart sank, drastically.

She told me that they're not seeing each other anymore.

She lied to me.

"Girl, is that her?!" Vany gasps as she covered her mouth and tears fell from my eyes as I stood at the window.

"I'm sorry, Nica." She said sincerely and I looked at her before I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut as I slid down the door and began to cried on the floor.

"Best friend, come on, open the door." Ivany knocked on the door.

"Nooo!" I cried.

"Please. Open up."

"I trusted her and- and she... lied to meee!" I weeped.

"It's okay best friend, her cheating ass not worth your tears-"

"But you don't understand, Vany! I- I love her!"

"Yeah, sure you do but that doesn't change the fact that she closed the curtains and probably fucking tha-"

"Vany, please! You're not helping!" I cut her off as I cried harder, thinking about it makes me feel cripple. I don't wanna think about it.

"Okay, sorry. Just open the door." She said and I sniffled as I wiped my cheeks before laying down on the cold floor.

6:15 A.M. | Wednesday morning

"Girl, you gotta get ready for school.. and.. your dad is here." She whispered as she knocked on the bathroom door and I slowly squinted my eyes as I got up from the floor and opened the door to Vany in the doorway before walking away like a zombie.

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