Chapter 22- Let The Church Say...

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Veronica POV

Wednesday 3:15 A.M.

"Get away from her!"

"No! Please! Don't touch her! You bastard!"

"Mommy wake up!"

"No no no. NOOO!"


"Princess? Honey?"

"Hmm?" I opened my eyes to see my father hovering over me and I sprang up as I quickly moved backwards on my bed.

"Please don't hurt me." I said panting.

"Princess what are you talking about? It's me, your dad." He said holding his arms out to me and I looked at them but didn't see any blood on his hands.

"Come here." He said still holding his arms out.

"Daddy?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Yes Princess. It's daddy. Come here." He said and I slowly and hestitantly crawled on my knees towards him before he embraced me in his arms.

"It's okay Princess. You were just having a nightmare. That's all. I'm right here honey." He said while massaging the back of my head before he kissed it and I felt tears streaming from my eyes and they fell on his back.

"I miss her so much daddy!" I said as I began to bawl my eyes out while I gripped on to the back of his shirt.

"Shh shh. Sweetie? Sweetie? Look at me. It's okay, you're just having a nightmare-"

"No daddy, it's not just a nightmare! It's reality! My reality! Mom is gone and I never thought she just had a heart attack! She was murdered!" I cried as I face him.

"Princess, that's not true. Your mother was sick.-"

"I don't believe that." I said softly before I used the back of my hand to dry my tears.

"Well, whether you want to believe it or not. It's your choice young lady." He said sternly, with a cold glare into his eyes and for the first time I felt fearful of my own father.

Who is this man in front of me?

"Get back to sleep. You have school in the morning. Oh and remember, Youth Service, 7 P.M. sharp. Don't be late. Ryan and his parents will be at church tonight." He said before he lowered his head and kissed my forehead and I flinched.

"Hey, Princess. Come on, it's me. Your father." He tried to reassured me but I was just not having it.

"I want to be left alone." I said with a quivering voice and he nodded his head before he walked out of my room and closed the door before I began to bawl my eyes out again.

My father has become a completely different person. The opposite of the man I was used to and who partially raised me.

Vrrt Vrrt Vrrt

I glanced at my phone screen and Alex was calling and I rolled over on my other side, turning my back towards the nightstand where the ringing phone was.

It rang three times and stopped until I heard it vibrated once and I rolled back over onto my other side, facing my phone while I stared blankly at it.

Vrrt Vrrt

It vibrated again and I picked it up before unlocking it.

Alex🥵💦: I know you don't wanna talk to me right now and I don't blame you but please just answer your phone.

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