Chapter 28- Territorial

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Veronica POV

Monday 10:35 A.M.| Ryan's house

I'm so damn tired and my vagina is so damn sore because of Alex. Yesterday, she got so angry after I came off the phone with Ryan and she was really rough as if she was raping me and even threatened that she would kill me and that person if I ever have sex with anyone else while we were having sex but I strangely found it so sexy that I enjoyed every second of it and quickly submitted to her dominance.

Gosh. I think something is wrong with me.


I rang Ryan's doorbell before I glanced over my shoulder and the Company's truck that Alex work for is now parked behind my car and I just knew it was her.


"Hey beautiful." Ryan said while smiling as he opened the door.

"Hi." I merely said.

"You look amazing." He said as he smirked and my phone vibrated.

Lover (Mine)❤️💦: I got my gun with me sweetheart.

I read the message before I looked up from my phone to Ryan.

"Can I- uh- come in? We can't do this out here."

"Oh, yeah. Sh- sure. Stupid me. Come on in." He chuckled softly as he opened the door wider and stepped to the side and I walked in hesitantly.

"Good morning Mrs Rains." I said with a slight smile as I walked closer to the living room where she was seated.

"Good morning love. How are you doing? I wasn't expecting you here at this hour." She said, smiling as she quickly stood up and hugged me.

"I'm not- uh- feeling well so... I stayed home today."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that dear. Hope you feel better soon. Rodney is waiting in Ryan's office. Did you bring the papers?"

"I did but-"

"Fantastic! You both should go in together then." She said, cutting me off and Ryan nodded with a smile.

"Come with me beautiful." He said, smiling before he turned and walked ahead and I followed suite.

I can't do this. I can't sign this contract without my father and I don't want to either. I thought as I followed Ryan to his office.

"Right here. Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded before he opened the door.

"Good morning Sir. You said you needed to see me?" I said as I stepped inside and Bishop Rains was seated around the desk.

"Veronica? Yes. Come. Both of you, have a seat." He said and we both sat down in front of him.

"You have something you wanna give to me?" He asked as he chuckled softly and I hesitantly hand him the Marriage Contract paper.

"Uh- yes. About that. I- uh- can't sign the papers unless my father is present and he's-"

"In Italy with his brother. I know, I know. But I didn't call you here to sign the papers dear-"

"Wait. What?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I know your father is away but-"

"You said my father is in Italy with his brother. He doesn't have a brother, neither does he have any other sibling."

"Uh-well- That's what he told me dear." He said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

My father was the only child for my grandma and late grandpa who I have never met because he died when I was born.

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