Chapter 12- Our Little Secret vs The Truth Untold

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Veronica POV

Tuesday 6:20 A.M.

COCK- A- DOODLE- DOO! It is time to get up for school-

COCK- A- DOODLE- DOO! It is time to get up for school. The alarm went off on my phone.

"Ahhh-hhhaaa." I yawned and stretched with a big megawatt smile plastered on my face as I slowly sat up in bed. I've never been so happy like this to wake up in the mornings, especially for school but somehow, today is different. I was feeling so perky and sexy.

After she left lastnight, I was knocked the hell out. It's the first time in a long time I've slept through the night so peacefully without having any nightmares. Nightmares of my mother's death, her cold and pale body laying still on the floor. I have very little memories of her because she died when I was only 4 years old and my father had to raised me on his own. I don't remember much about her but I remembered that she was such a calm, loving, fun and kind-hearted woman whom everyone was fond of.

On the other hand, my dad is strict, assertive and a workaholic. Before my mother died, he was hardly ever home. Even now. He either has to be at our church half of the time or on business trips that he takes sometimes a whole month to get back from and that I have no idea what he does apart from his job of being the Bishop. I tried to ask him couple of times what he does on those trips and he would weirdly shunned me. Growing up, he has always been protective of me, sometimes a little bit too overprotective, but I guess that's almost every father with their only daughter. He would never let a fly pitch on me. Don't get me wrong though, he has always been a good father to me and I love him so much; but for the past weeks, he has been acting a bit strange and I'm really worried about him. When I looked at him, he seemed like a stranger to me and not the man who raised me. I just hope he's okay.

I scooted off the bed, stretching and yawning before heading over to my closet to look something to wear and layed it out on the bed, then showered and came back into my room with a lavender towel wrapped around me and a small one wrapped around my head. I strolled towards my dresser to where my blowdryer was sitting on top and I plugged it in the socket and started drying my hair. After I was finished I walked towards my bed and slowly unwrapped the towel around me using it to dry my skin before I lotioned my skin then put on my laced black panty and bra. I took up my black spaghetti strap dress off the bed before sliding it on and heading over to my dresser to look in the mirror. I stood infront of the mirror as I stared at how the dress hugs my body perfectly. I look and feel so sexy today. I smiled and took my gold necklace and small round earring out of the jewelery box and put them on as well as my gold Bridget Sandals then left the house.

Raymond Hoods High School

"So I told him no, he's too old for my ass." Vany whispered to me so that Mr. Simms, our Spanish teacher doesn't hear her talking to me in class.

"Isn't he married and have like eight kids?" I whispered back to her.

"Yes girl and I'm not tryna be nobody's Stepmama, I'm way too young and pretty for that."

"Pssh, girl." I scoffed.

"Excuse you. Stop hating bitch, look at this face and boot-

"Señorita Reid? Escucha, no hablar en mi clase."

"Uhh... sorry.. señor Simms. Te estoy... uh.. escuchando. Um.. continuar." She smiled crookedly at him.

"So, Ivany? How do you invite someone out for a party en Español?" He asked Vany in his thick Spanish accent.

"Yo invito tu mi parte." She proudly answered.

Class laughing


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