Chapter 16- Facetime Heat?

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Veronica POV

Friday 7:15 A.M.

I squinted my eyes for a few seconds and I glimpsed someone hovering over me and I peeled my eyes wide opened to see no other than my father staring down at me and I quickly sprang up in bed.

"What time is it?" I asked breathily, searching for my phone on the bed.

"7:16 A.M." He answered as he glanced at the watch on his wrist.

"Shit! I have to get ready now, I have to do my history test today." I exclaimed as I scooted off the bed and immediately regretted my action as I felt the soreness between my legs and I slightly winced.

"No swearing in this house young lady. Aren't you happy to see your father?" He asked.

"Yes Daddy. I am, but I gotta get ready for school now. Would you mind?" I asked as I held my door opened for him to leave so I can get ready and he paced towards the door.

"Okay, sweetie. I'm going to head to the church. Remember tonight we'll have dinner with Ryan and his Parents. Have a good day and good luck on your exam." He said as he kissed my forehead and walked through the door and I slowly closed it as I put my back against the door before I tilted my head back against it and closed my eyes.

Last night, after Alex and I got back from the Vet, I got a text from my dad saying he was coming home early this morning, so I told her that I had to stay home for the rest of the night before he got home.

It's crazy how I missed her so much after I came back over to my house. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Last night was amazing. The way she touched my body, the way she looked at me with those lustfilled eyes of hers. Her soft sweet lips on mine, her warm moist tongue exploring my womanhood. Those long slender fingers wrapped around my throat as she thrusted deeply inside of me, felt so damn good. Argh! Her strong arms embracing me, made me feel these butterflies in my stomach and it made my heart went wildly against my chest. Whenever she holds me, I felt so safe and gosh, she smells so damn good. Everything about this girl is so damn appealing. I just can't seem to get enough of her.

I knew from the very first time I layed my eyes on her, that I had these feelings for her that I couldn't comprehend and those feelings are getting stronger everyday but I'm so scared because the feelings aren't prociprocated. After all, she told me she doesn't want a relationship.

I have to stop thinking about being in a relationship with her because It's impossible that will ever happen, even though I wish it could.

I sighed before strolling towards the bathroom, as I slid out of my red pyjama shorts suit before I tied my hair in a bun and stepped in the shower.

After I was finished taking a shower, I brushed my teeth and came into my room. I paced towards the dresser and quickly rummaged through the draw, searching for an underwear and a bra. I picked up a white V-cut panty and a white bra. I quickly put them on and picked up the lotion, as I lotioned my skin before I walked hastily towards the closet and rummaged through some outfits before I came across a blue, slightly ripped jeans and a white T-shirt. I snatched them up before I slid on the jeans and the T-shirt. I quickly paced back over towards the dresser and I started to comb my hair in a ponytale. I sprayed some of cologne on, then, put in my earrings and other accessories. I glanced at myself in the mirror for a few seconds before picking up my bag and heading out.

Raymond Hoods High School

"Miss Mills? You have approximately ten minutes left to complete this exam." Mrs Reid said as she glanced at the watch on her wrist.

"I'm almost finished, Mrs Reid." I said as I circled option B for question forty eight.

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