Chapter 42- Unforeseen

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Narrator POV

Rico's Mansion/ Monday night/ 11:55 P.M.

"¿Alguien ha visto Elix?"(Has anyone seen Elix?). Carlos asked the group of other armed bodyguards as he walked towards them along the huge hallway.

"No. ¿Porque?" (No. Why?). The darkest complexión guard responded.

"Rico wants to talk to him. Do I have to explain every fucking thing to you man?" Carlos scoffed.

"Fuck you Carlos. You are up Rico's ass lately like you are his damn toilet paper. One day you are going to end up like Simón and Vict-"

Pow! Bop! Pow!

"HEY! HEY!" The group of bodyguards shouted out as the man fell to the floor but Carlos kept throwing hard blows of punches to his face.


Indistinct shots echoed in the mansion and Carlos suddenly stopped threwing punches at his face and everyone quickly looked in the direction they heard the gun shots coming from.


"Te lo estoy diciendo. Casi me cago ahí dentro." (I'm telling you. I almost shit my fucking self in there). Elix said while he aimed a pump-action rifle towards the target as he stood inside of the shooting range room.


He fired the bullet in the center of the target.

"Asesinío mi maldito mejor amigo justo en frente de mí." (He murdered my fucking bestfriend right in front of me). And I'm almost sure that I am the next fucking person on his 'to-murder-list'. Loyal or not, I just couldn't live with myself, epecially seeing that kid suffering everyday here. It's the least I could do. Plus, I have a familia and I don't want my baby girl growing up not knowing her father. I will do whatever in my power to protect them even if it means putting a bullet through his fucking skull in his sleep but I know you are yearning for that opportunity for a very long time. So don't worry, he is all yours."


"Te he estado buscando por todas partes." ( I have been looking for you everywhere). Carlos suddenly interrupted, causing Elix to lowered his weapon and slowly spun around to face him.

"You've found me. What's up man?" Elix asked as he place the rifle on top of the table.

"It's 12 in the fucking morning. Why you want to wake the whole mansion up? And who the hell were you talking to?" Carlos asked suspiously as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I was having a conversation with the damn ghost. Have some damn respect. What you want man?" Elix responded sarcastically.

"Será mejor que cuides tu maldita boca."(You better watch your fucking mouth). Rico wanna talk to you." Carlos said and Elix ignored him by emptying the bullet shells on the table before picking up the bullets and placed them in the pocket of his black tuxedo shirt.

"Yow..." He called out to Elix as he made an attempt to walk away and he suddenly stopped before he turned to face him with a grimace on his face.

"I heard you been chatting a little too often on your phone these days. Gina just had a baby, how she got time to be on the phone with you when she has to breastf- "


Carlos held on to his face as Elix gave him a hard uppercut, immediately forming blood from his now bursted lips and nose.

"Keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth." Elix said sternly.

"Golpeas como una perra."(You hit like a bitch). Carlos chuckled menacingly as he slightly twisted his jawline while he licked the blood from the corner of his mouth.

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