Chapter 36- Lost Mission-ary

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Alex POV

3:05 P.M./ Raymond Hoods High School Parking Lot

I've been sitting in my car for literally 2 fucking hours, waiting for Veronica when I should be in someone's house, fixing their pipes. What happened is that I went back home on my lunchtime to chill for a little bit, then opened my closet to look for a thin shirt or marina to put on, since outside is hot as fuck and it ain't even Summer yet, and something fell out on the floor and it was one of my gifts from her that I hadn't opened until now. I picked it up and realized how light the box was before I unwrapped the paper and opened the box, and I realised it was a DVD. However, I took it with me and decided that I'd watch it in my car on my way back to work. As I drove back to work, I placed the DVD in the tray, and I watched it load before my eyes were captivated by Veronica, butt ass naked with her legs sprawled out on her bed while she fingered her pretty wet pussy in front of the camera. I almost lost control of the goddam steering wheel, literally. Of course, I immediately spun that fucking car around and here I am, turned on as fuck in my car and the crazy thing is, I can't stop watching it, hearing the sound of her sloppy fingers thrusting in and out of her drenched core and her moans are fucking with me, mentally, that is also affecting my body physically because my pussy has been pulsating like fucking crazy ever since I watched it. Like I'm a living waterfall down there right now as I speak.

I've said this already, and I'm gonna say it again. This girl is gonna be the death of me. What the fuck am I gonna do with her freaky ass right now?

I scanned my eyes around and teachers were coming in the parking lot heading towards their cars. I waited for a while until the parking lot was empty except for a black Range Rover that was already parked at the entrance since I got here. The tint was way too dark that I couldn't see inside.

Nah, supm don't feel right. I thought as I looked at the black Range.

I picked up my phone and opened it before I swiped my finger across Veronica's contact.

'You have reached the voicemail box of-'

"What the fuck is taking this girl so damn long and why she ain't picking up?" I mumbled to myself before my eyes lingered back over towards the car and the door suddenly opened revealing that same woman I bumped into few weeks ago, who claimed that she is my fucking aunt.

What is she doing here? Does she have a kid coming to the school?

She kept pacing back and forth with her hands behind her head and it was not long before I saw a Mexican man in dark shades and black gloves came out and I lowered my head as he walked around the car on the opposite side where the woman was and she instantly stopped pacing and tensed up against the car as the nigga got closer in front of her and wrapped his hands around her throat before he let go and dragged her from the car, opened the passenger's door and shove her roughly inside and I gripped on to the steering wheel tightly as I felt steam coming from my ears before he slammed the door and quickly scanned the area as he went back over to the driver's side and got in but didn't close the door. I immediately picked up on this sign. When a la cobra pandilla does this, it usually means that their targets are near. My eyes quickly moved towards the entrance of the parking lot and Veronica was quickly walking inside. My breathing got heavier as she walked closer towards the Range and I gritted my teeth as the door quickly sprawled wider and the nigga came out and I quickly pressed the car's panic button and the alarm went off, loudly and I watched as he quickly went back inside the car and sped off. However, Veronica didn't see him at all, I know that for sure. She just looked frighteningly in my direction as she heard the noise.

Why the fuck would Rico wanna kidnap his own niece?

Why was that woman with him?

Supm ain't fucking right here.

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