Chapter 6- Apology, Not Accepted

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Veronica POV

I'm so damn pissed at my father. I've never seen him that angry before ever. He was always so chilled and warm spirited. But does it give him the right to be so damn disrespectful and vitriolic towards someone. He even preached about not judging others, God will be the judge of everything and here he is, Judging her without even knowing her story.

I know christians don't condone homosexual lifestyle but I feel like everybody has the right to be and do whatever they want, it's their life after all. No one wants to live unhappy just to please society and their norms of living. I especially, wish I didn't have to follow certain norms just to protect my father's reputation.

I wanted to apologise to her today on behalf of my father but she drove off pissed and I can't blame her either. She has every right to be angry. My father was really abrupt with her and I strongly disapproved his behavior.

I was laying on my side in bed staring at her black and white wallet in my hand. She accidentally dropped it in my bathroom while she was working and I took it up contemplating on giving it to her when she gets back.

My father is still here so I'll have to wait until he leaves to go over by her house. I really don't want to get her in any trouble after all.

He's being so damn insensitive.

I let out an exasperated sigh before slowly unzipping her wallet and my eyes came across her credit card in the first section. The second section has her ID and I stared at it for a while, taking in the sight of her beauty before my finger tips came across something in the third section that feels like a small bottle and a smooth card texture behind it and I pulled them out.

I gazed at a small medication bottle in my hand which has some blue tablets inside and on the outside labelled: Body balance Anti-anger calming pills.

So she has anger issues? I knew this from the start. This just confirms it now.

I fixated my gaze to a small photograph of a little boy, looks about 7 or 8 years old but then I took a closer look and I can see some resemblance of Alexandra. Same beautiful light brown eyes, face structure, same fair complexion and thick dark curly hair.

Are they related? I thought to myself.

Suddenly, I heard a small knock on my door and I quickly hid the wallet under my pillow along with the small medication bottle and the picture. I sat up quickly positioning my back against the headboard.

"Come in." I said lowly while I averted my eyes as the door pulled opened revealing my father.

"Princess what's wrong?" He ask as I motioned my head to the opposite side not wanting to talk to him at the moment.


"I demand that you talk to me young lady." He said sternly.

"Does it even matter father?" You spilled your vitriolic comments about someone you don't even know! You addressed her as a freaking "it" when she is a human being! You can't go around hating people just by their appearances. Daddy you even preached about 'not judging others, God will be the judge of everything'
What about that? I spoke promptly and his face quickly changed from placid to a cold glare that is so unfamiliar to me and I quivered.

"Veronica I have every right to say what I've said. A woman dressing and acting like a damn man is just ridiculous! Homosexuality is a sin and it is an abomination! The lord will never forgive such disgusting act and they will burn in eternal fi-" I interrupted him.

"But isn't that judging people?"

"Everyone has the right to do as they please daddy, it's their life! You can't tell people how to live their lives! It's not fair! No one has the right to judge people, God should, not people and there's nothing being said about homosexuality in the bible!" I exclaimed.

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