Chapter 9- Mission failed

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Unknown POV

"Yes boss. She is at a friend's house right now. I know, I parked just a few centimeters from the house. Okay, I got you boss. I'll take care of it."


Alex POV

11:15 P.M.

I had to kick that bitch outta my house after I made it very fucking clear that I didn't wanna fuck her last night so she should stay the fuck away. She still had the fucking nerve to broke in and tried to hit Veronica; over my dead motherfucking body would I let that happen, ever.

After I choked the fuck outta that hoe ass bitch I lost my temper. I accidentally pushed Veronica and she hit her head on the wall and became unconcious, then that sick ass bitch had the fucking audacity to asked me to me to fuck her while a girl was laying on the fucking floor helplessly. I dragged that hoe out by her motherfucking hair because I couldn't kill her ass.

At least... not yet. She has information I need.

I thought I lost her today. I spent three fucking hours over her insensated body, jerking the fuck outta her and my heart flattered when I got no respond from her. I could've killed her all because I can't control my fucking anger. I've always been like this ever since they murdered my parents and those fuckers raised me to be a dealer and a killer.

I've done things before that I'm not proud of, all because I was constrained into that sick lifestyle. I almost got kicked out of college because someone caught me selling 100k of cocaine to a professor. They didn't get the chance to report me though because I called Rico and he immediately had one of his men set a time bomb in the building and I got out before it exploded, killing over 250,000 students, teachers and staff members. Not one fucking person in the building that day came out alive. It was after that day, I decided I didn't want that life no more and I dipped and never looked back. I slept on the fucking streets for weeks where I got battered and raped because I didn't have any where to go or no one to turned to at the time and I didn't wanna go back to that horrible lifestyle and that fucking monster Rico. I started looking for jobs every where in town and got turned down immediately because of my goddamn temper.

People are just so fucking hard to deal with and I don't got time for bullshit.

One day, I came across a poster on a building and saw that it was a free Plumbing training programme. I wrote off the number on a piece of paper then borrowed a woman's phone to make the call. They gave me the information and I went in the next day and trained for 2 weeks before I started working the following week. I worked and saved up enough money and got myself an apartment. That same apartment they kidnapped Sean and slaughter his fucking babysiter in.

I was now in the living room watching Beyond Scared Straight.

"IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT NIGGA?! SELLING WEED?!" A black prisoner nigga with long ass hair extensions on shouted in the white kid's face.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

"Ha!ha! You wrong for that kid." I said as I busted out in laughter.


"Damn nigga why you spitting in the boy face like that?! You can talk and not spit! The fuck." I chimed in as if they could hear my ass.

"Uhhh- I said ma'am?" He said nonchalantly.

"Ha!ha!ha! You bold as fuck white boy. He does kinda look like a bitch." I said as I almost died laughing, I couldn't tell the last time I laughed. No one has ever seen me laughed this much or at all. I am always serious and in a no bullshit mood. No one knows this side of me, not even Lauren. I mean Lauren gets a better and more layed back side of me than anyone else but she has never seen this side ever and she's my best nigga.

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