Chapter 44- Some truths are better hidden

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"Hello, beautiful." I heard the familiar voice I have been longing to hear and my heart literally skipped a couple of beats before I slowly turned around and there she was, the love of my life.

"Surprise- bitch!" Lauren spoke slurredly before she got up with her bottle of liquor and staggered drunkenly across the living room.

My emotions are overflowing right now.

I can't believe Alex is finally standing in the same room as me, right now. Unhurt.

Veronica POV

My mouth slightly agaped as I kept staring at her for a while, not blinking once.

"Ain't you happy to see me, babygirl?" She chuckled out and her eyes lid up as she looked at me.

Is it possible to keep falling for somebody over and over again? Damn.

"Hey yo, babygirl, I'm right here." She chuckled softly again as she snapped her fingers to get me back to reality.

"A-Alex?" I said softly but hesitantly as my eyes filled with tears.

"Yes, baby. I'm ba-"

At this point, I didn't even wait for her to finish her sentence. Before you know it, I sprang to her from the few distance between us and wrapped my arms around her tightly as she did the same, embracing her strong and protective arms around me and I suddenly felt safe again, some how.

We embraced eachother tightly for about another ten to twenty minutes while my sense of smell died into her heavenly fragrance before reality suddenly hit me and all I wanted to do was keep throwing questions after questions at her. So I tried to pull away but she held me firmer into her chest.

"Don't let me go, please." She said softly and I literally had goosebumps as her warm breath brushes against my neck, causing my nipples to became erected and I finally pulled away.

"Don't you ever... scare me like that again... gosh... I was so.. worried.. about.. you! Why did you? Why did you lea-"

"Shh-shh. I'm sorry baby. Look, I ain't- I ain't wanna see you in tears ever, especially on your day. I just- gotta take care of some things, that's all. But, I was wrong for disappearing and ain't telling you shit-"

"I called you every single night and day and you did not pick up, not once! You got me so damn stressed out that you were hurt and you were never coming back to me!" I began to vent with hurt and anger as I wiped my tears.

"Baby, are you fucking kidding me? You know I ain't like birthdays and surprises and shit, but, I wouldn't have missed your birthday even if I was on the verge of taking my last motherfucking breath, girl." She scoffed as she looked into my eyes and I could tell that she was being sincere but that wasn't enough for me.

"Can I uh- ask you something and you be honest with me?" I asked her.

"Sure. Go ahead, baby-"

"Where did you went?" I asked immediately after she gave me the 'go ahead'.

"It doesn't matter where I went, this is your day. Don't make this about me." She scoffed softly.

"Are you cheating on me?" I asked with pain in my voice as I felt a tight lump developed in my throat.

"Ha! Ha!" She just laughed instead of answering.

"Do you think this is funny?" I asked her, agitatedly.

"Sorry baby, but... Seriously. No, I ain't cheat on you. I wouldn't hurt you like that." She reassured me as she stopped laughing and I averted my eyes from hers as I looked down.

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