Chapter 37- Legacy

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Narrator POV

A few hours later

Merciless continuously punched the steering wheel, causing the horn to honk as he drove miles over to Rico's mansion. The more he thought about Alex being with his daughter and he can't do anything about it, the more furious he became. Not only was he furious about that, but it was the fact that she knew about his devious past. It puzzles him how she even knew Rico and how she had Gracie's phone in the first place.

This was all he could thought about. The fact that she had these evidence against him, worries him alot and despite everything that has been going on in his life, losing his daughter is his biggest fear. He didn't care as much for the church but he still can't afford to lose it either because this is what has been his hiding place for years. If he hadn't been apart of the church, he would've been dead a long time ago.

He was now close since he could see the view of the huge black and white mansion ahead of him and he gripped the steering wheel tighter as he reached the huge gate and he stopped his Jeep, where four armed bodyguards were there in full black suits and dark shades, standing with large guns in their hands.

"Open the damn gate." He demanded sternly as he glared at the main bodyguard at the entrance of the gate.

"Ahem. We got strict orders not to let you in." The bodyguard cleared his throat and braced his chest, looking straight ahead of him as he spoke.

"Open... the... FUCKING GATE NOW!" Merciless shouted at him and he slightly flinched at his sudden outburst.

"Uhh- boss, he's here." He said as he pressed the intercom buzzer on the gate.

"Let him in." Rico's deep raspy voice spoke back through the intercom.

"Are you sure b-"

"¿Estás cuestionando mi maldita authoridad?" (Are you questioning my fucking authority?).

"No jefe yo cumplo." (No boss, I comply). The bodyguard spoke before the gate authomatically opened, allowing Merciless to drive into the mansion's compound.

"Fuckers." He mumbled as he drove all the way through the gate and stopped at the entrance of the mansion before he quickly pulled the door and sprang out of the Jeep and slammed the door, as he flounced towards the door and suddenly stopped where there were a group of the la cobra pandilla gang members, scattered in the gigantic hallway with huge guns and weapons in their hands and on their waists.

"Search him." The one at the front with a huge scar across his jawline spoke sternly as they all aimed the gun at him while one of the men paced quickly towards him before he began to search his body from his chest, going all the way down to his feet, then he continued as he slowly ran his hand back up to his buttocks before slightly gripping it and in less than two seconds, Merciless swiftly grabbed him by the wrists and pinned his arms ackwardly behind his back.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again, you hijo de puta enfermo." (Sick motherfucker). He spoke sternly through gritted teeth and the man groaned in pain and the sound of guns started clicking, echoeing in the huge mansion as the other men cocked their guns at him, ready to fire.

"Ugh-a-" the man groaned in pain as Merciless continued to twist his arms behind his back.

"He already knows that I'm fucking here! Now let me see him already." He demanded them in a stern tone but they didn't comply.

"We don't take orders from you. You are not our boss." The head gang member said as he continued to aim his gun at him.

"I will-"

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