Chapter 39- Secrets

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Veronica POV

Friday Morning 6:20 A.M/ home

COCK- A- DOODLE- DOO! It is time to get up for school-

COCK- A- DOODLE- DOO! It is time to get up for school-

I peeked one eye opened when I heard the alarm went off on my phone and my eyes made eye contact with Alex as she layed with her arms wrapped around my neck, before I turned on my side to face her and she stared back at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"The fuck typa alarm sound was that, girl?" She laughed softly and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, good morning to you Alex."

"Well, excuse my manners baby. Good morning to you too beautiful." She joked while smiling, that caused me to smiled with her.

I mean, how is she so damn handsomely beautiful in the morning? I don't mind staring at her all day and not having to go to school.

I didn't even know when I fell asleep but her sleeping next to me all night felt so damn good. I didn't even have another nightmare episode.

"So, how was your sleep, beautiful?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Peaceful. Thanks to.. you." I stuck her playfully in her chest with my index finger.

"Ouch. Seem like I did supm wrong though." She joked as she rubbed her chest and I smiled.

"Go get ready for school." She said as she took her arm from around my neck before she sat up in the bed.

"Not when you're in here." I said while blushing.

"Acting like I ain't seen all that good stuff before." She scoffed.

"Well, I'm feeling shy now." I blushed more as I averted my eyes.

"It's me boo. You ain't got nothing to be shy 'bout. Now, go wash that punani. I wanna take you to school."

"Uh- my dad. He's here... right now." I spoke softly not wanting my father to hear me talking since his room is right next to mine.

"So?" She scoffed.

"He's been taking me to school everyday since my car has been at the Technician, so-"

"Yeah, I get that. I'll pick you up after schoo-"

"He's gonna pick me up after school too." I said quickly as I averted my eyes and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You sure you good babygirl? You acting... jumpy."

"Mm-hm. Gonna take a shower. Be right back." I said almost in a whisper."

"Cool. I'll be waiting then." She said and I smiled slightly before I walked inside the bathroom, and closed the door behind me.

Ryan called me last night and told me he wanted to see me after school and he said that it's urgent. So, that has been on my mind all night, wondering why he wanted to see me. I asked but he did not wanted to talk about it over the phone.

I just hope it's not what I think it is because, I'm not ready to give myself to someone else if it's not Alex.

I took my pyjama top off and then slid down my shorts along with my red V-cut panty before I tossed them into the hamper and stepped into the shower, turning on the faucet and started to bathe myself.

I showered for about 15 minutes before I turned off the faucet and grabbed my white towel while I stepped out before I wrapped it around me and walked towards the face basin sink and started brushing my teeth. When I was finished, I rinsed out my mouth and dried it before I opened the bathroom door, but when I scanned my room, there were no sign of Alex.

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