Chapter 31- Surprise daddy

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Alex POV

Tuesday 5:15 P.M. Einstein Plumbers

Yesterday, I almost got my ass fired when I showed up and told 'em fuckers 'their' fucking truck broke down when I was 'supposedly' on my way to a client's house, even though I was out tracking Veronica's ass and ended up wiping out two Mafia niggas lives that I had no fucking clue has to why the shorter Mexican one know my motherfucking dead beat gang name, because they were definitely not a member of la cobra pandilla but I know a mafia when I see one, since I was one, besides, whoever the fuck those useless good for nothing shit holes were, I ain't fucking care, but I did care when they overstepped their boundaries by trying to hurt my baby. Hell fucking no, I can't have that shit, ever.

While I was out there and when I came back home, all that was running through my mind was...

Were they on a mission?

Who sent them?

Either way, they fucked up and got their asses cremated.

I saw the fear in Veronica's eyes when I killed 'em niggas and I know she's always been afraid of me but I know she is even more now, which I really don't want.

She forced me to unleashed part of the demon inside of me but it was only to protect her, protect her from those cruel creatures that called themselves fucking men.

She thinks that I'm upset with her, but I'm not, honestly. It's just that, I wanna give her some space after what happened the other day. I know she must be shaken up about it. Probably, she doesn't even wanna talk to me after everything that happened out there and I can't blame her either, but, ain't no fucking way I'm leaving her alone, especially after seeing that pearly teeth ass, church ass fucker, eye-fucking my lady.

Yeah, I know he wants to fuck her but not under my fucking watch.

She is mine... always.

"Alex?" I heard and looked towards the Gears room doorway and saw none other than that bitch, Jody.

"Seriously bitch? Ain't I choked your ass enough the other day or you want me-"

"No! Please!" She said while backing away as I quickly walked up to her and stopped midway the doorway, glaring at her.

"Jody, I ain't want to hurt you again. Now for the last fucking time, what do you want from me?" I asked but she didn't answer, instead, just stood there, shakily, as fear fill her eyes.

"Talk bitch!" I exclaimed and she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Here!" She spoke quickly as she shove a mini sized bag in my way, blocking me from straddling her ass again, this time to death.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked as I looked from the back to her with a grimace on my face.

"Your- uh- birthday gift. I- uh- haven't gotten the chance to tell you happy birth-"

"It is not my fucking birthday."

"I know it was- uh- Saturday but please take the gift and I promise to never bother you again. Please." She pleaded as she clasped her hands and I glared at her before I snatched it from her.

"Thank you." She smiled widely.

"Get out." I said as I finished packing up the tools in their orderly places and I'm now ready to get the fuck home.

"Okay- uh- Alex I"

"Bitch ain't I-"

"I miss what we used to have." She cut me off before she quickly walked away and I looked down at the small gift box in the bag.

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