Chapter 33- How It All Went Down

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Narrator POV

23 hours earlier

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET INTO MY MOTHERFUCKING HOUSE BITCH?" Alex glared angrily at Gracie as she stood there smirking mischieviously, her perky lips highlighted with red lipstick in her silky red coat and red heels.

"Spare keys, baby." Gracie smiled as she shook the pair of keys in her hand, which she stole before she went on her anniversary trip.

"FUCK!" Alex slammed her fist in the door, when she couldn't recall activating the alarm system when she got home earlier.

"Woah, relax, baby. So, did you missed me?" She chuckled nervously before stepping in Alex's room, causing Alex's eyes to follow her as she sat down on her bed and crossed her legs while she unzipped her red purse and took out a cigarette as well as a lighter.

"Not even for a motherfucking second, bitch, I wish you were fucking dead! Now, get the fuck up outta my crib before I end you." Alex said through gritted teeth as she glared at smirking Gracie, releasing the smoke through her mouth.

"I'm sure you ain't mean that."

"Pssh- shame on you, hoe. How long have you known me?" Alex scoffed as she leaned her back against the wall and folded her arms while she glared at her.

"Whatever, I know you miss this." Gracie said as she opened her coat, revealing her sexy lingerie set before she spread her legs apart and glided her fingers down her tummy and into her underwear as she bit down on her lips, causing Alex's eyes to involuntary scanned her curvy body but she knew very well what she was up to and she knew not to fall for her seduction and she will not fall into her trap anymore.

"See, I know you miss me. I just hope you're not messing around with that bitch anymore-"

Ruff! Ruff!

Sandy ran into the room and started barking at her and she quickly scooted over from the edge of the bed and closed her coat.

"Uh... you hate animals, why do you have a dog in your house?" She chuckled.

"Hoe, what did you call my girl just now?"

"Ooh, so now that bit-


"OUCH! YOU HIT ME BECAUSE OF HER! I came here because there's something you need to know! Ouch! My face!" Gracie was curled up in a ball on the bed snd held on to her now swollen face as blood seeped from her bruised lips.

"DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE IN MY FUCKING HOUSE! Bitch... I've been trying so motherfucking hard not to lose my shit having to even look at your maldita cara fea (fucking ugly face) right now. So, I'mma ask you calmly this time. What the fuck do you want from me? And if it ain't got nothing to do with my brother, then it ain't none of my goddamn busine-"

"It's about her!" Gracie cuts her off as she winced in pain while trying to sit up.

"Bitch, stop wasting my fucking time. Who the fuck is 'her'?" Alex asked as she knitted her eyebrows in confusion.

"Your girl! Look, her father is Rico's brother and he was a mafia!"

"Bitch, please." Alex scoffed, thinking Gracie was losing her mind.

"I'm serious! I never knew any of his siblings until when we were on our anniversary trip the other day and I met him and he told us that his daughter said her car broke down or something and showed us a picture of her. Rico doesn't even know his own niece."

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