Chapter 24- Threat?

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Veronica POV

Friday 8:01 A.M.

"Do you Veronica take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Alex, do you promise to love, cherish and respect her, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"If anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your p-"


"Daddy, NO! LET GO OF ME!"

"I WILL DO NO SUCH THING! Look! You will not stand up here and embarrass me in front of all these damn people! You will marry Ryan and not some wanna-be man!"

"No! I don't wanna marry him! I love Alex and I'm marrying her!"

"You really love this thing you called a woman? Shame on you Veronica! You both are going straight to hell with your dirty lifestyle! You really are stupid just like your mother. I should've killed you too when I had the chance. Haha! Haha! Haha!-"


"Ahh!" I sprang up in my bed, breathing heavily as sweat beaded my forehead and body as I tried to recollect myself.

COCK- A- DOODLE- DOO! It is time to get up for school.

COCKA- A- DOODLE- DOO! It is time to get up for school.

COCKA- A- DOODLE- DOO! It is time-

"Shit!" I said as I looked at the time on my phone and saw that I overslept so I quickly sprang off the bed and rushed into the bathroom.

I quickly showered and brushed my teeth before I came back into my room and rummaged through my drawer for an underwear and I took out a white V-cut one and a white bra before I headed towards my closet.

Shit, Mrs Reid is gonna kill me if I missed this exam. I thought to myself as I quickly put on my underwear and bra, then rummaged through my closet before I found a black leather spaghetti strap dress and I snatched it out, quickly pulling it over my head before sliding my feet in the pair of black Sandals I bought the other day at Payless, a.k.a, Paymore.

Their prices are ruthless but they do sell one of the best quality stuff.

I rushed towards the dresser and let my thick curly hair down since I'm already late and I have no time to comb it, so I just quickly brushed it down before I dashed out of my room and down the stairs.

"Good morning." I said as I quickly head towards the door.

"Good morning Princess, I made you an omelette and toast." My father said and I stopped at the door.

"I can't have breakfast right now. I overslept and I'm late for an exam but thanks anyways." I said while holding on to the door knob.

"Make sure you get something to eat at school. You know breakfast-"

"Is the most important meal of the day. I know father. Can I go now? I'm really late." I said, finishing his sentence.

"Go ahead, but I will be out of town for a week. Will you be alright?" He asked.

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