Chapter 41- Missing Piece/s

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Veronica POV

Ivany's house / 9:45 P.M.

"Girl, you've been pacing like a lost little wolf for hours. Calm down. As I said, maybe she's just busy." Ivany reassured me as she sat down on the edge of her bed while watching me pacing back and forth, with my phone placed to my ear, calling Alex constantly but once again, the phone went straight to voicemail.

"I can't. What if she already knows? What if Lauren told her? I'm scared Vany. I don't wanna lose her." I whined as I took the phone from my ear while I continued to pace back and forth.

"Look, relax, okay. I'm sure Lauren won't say anything. It's not like you said 'yes' or whatever. Neither is this any of your fault. But you gotta let her know soon, bestfriend. Your birthday is next Wednesday."

"Oh my God. I can't do this."

Vrrt Vrrt-

I quickly tossled the vibrating phone in my hand before glancing at the screen but to my dismay, it was just my father calling.

"What? She calling back?" Ivany asked curiously.

"No. It's just my dad." I said disappointedly as I plopped down on her bed beside her.

"Look, you will be fine-"

Knock knock-

"We're doing homework!" Vany yelled as we both glanced towards the door.

"Nica? Your father just called. He wanted us to drop you home sweetie. Said he wants to talk to-"

"Tell him she doesn't want to talk to him." Ivany said as she swinged the door opened, revealing her mom.

"Ivany, this is between Veronica and her father. Please stay-"

"I don't care, mom. I already turned eighteen and neither one of you were pressuring me to marry a random stranger in church before I turned eighteen. So why does she have to?" Ivany complained.


"It's okay. I'll go." I said lowly as I forced back a tear that threatened to escape from my eyes before I slowly stood up.

"Okay then. I'll just go get the car key." Her mom said as she smiled slightly at me before she walked away.

"Bestfriend you-"

"It's okay. I'll just go hear what he has to say." I cut Ivany off.

"Okay.. but you better text me when you get home and.. don't worry, I'll.. I'll talk to Lauren." She said and I knitted my eyebrows.

"You? Talk to Lauren?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, why?"

"When did- wait... don't tell me... Lauren's the stud you said you were gonna tell me about?!" I gasped as I covered my mouth, surprised.

"Small world." Ivany smiled shyly.

I have never seen her this shy before.

"Wow. Okay... but you didn't know she was married then? Why didn't you tell me all this while?!" I exclaimed as I slapped her arm, playfully.

"Ouch! That hurts! I didn't thought it was important. It was just one drunken head. We didn't even do anything and I haven't seen her ever since, until now." Ivany confessed and my mouth agaped, as I was in shock of what I just heard.

"Wait... she gave you hea-?!" I exclaimed.

"Shhh! Girl.. I did." She said as she quickly covered my mouth with her hand and my eyes widen.

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