Chapter 43- Surprise, bitch!

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Veronica POV

Wednesday 9:45 P.M/Home

"Happy birthday bestfriend!-"

"AHH! Vany, can you knock?! I'm naked and you scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed as I held on to my bare chest while trying to used my other hand to hide my lower abdomen.

"Relax, girl! I'm so excited! Today is my girl's day! Hurry! Get dress!" Ivany said excitedly with a big grin on her face while she clasped her hands together.

"Girl, where are we really going?" I asked curiously as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"To Lauren's house of course. Remember I told you she wanted to talk to you about something? Yeah- what you wearing?" She asked excitedly before she sprinted passed me and hopped over towards my closet.

"Nothing really. I'm only going by her house to talk. It's not like I'm gonna go anywhere else. By the way, why are you so excited?"

"So, you really going there like that?" Vany asked as she raised her eyebrows while looking at me up and down with a smirk on her face.


"Ha! Kidding. But you look real good naked. Girl, I see why Alex is so damn obse-"

"Vany- Shh!" I shushed her while I quickly averted my eyes from her to the door.

"Oh, Mr Mills? He's downstairs." She whispered to me and I rolled my eyes as I head over towards the closet where she is, picking out some outfits and tossing them on my bed.

"You know you're gonna fix them back just the way you saw them right?-"

"Oh, shush girl. I'm helping you. It's your day, you gotta look sexy." She said and I plopped down on my bed with my bare ass while watching this girl disarranging my closet.

"I don't wanna look sexy. I just wish I could just- disappear so I wouldn't have to feel bad about disappointing everyone-"



"Please- I-I just.. wanna be alone." I began to sob harder as a layed down on my side.



"I'll be waiting downstairs whenever you feel better, okay? I'm sorry." Ivany spoke softly before I heard the door closed quietly and I bursted out in tears.

Today is the day that I have to do what I didn't want to do, without Alex knowing anything.

When she comes back, I have to tell her the truth. That's the best thing to do. I guess?

It's not like.. It's my fault. Right?

But if and when she ever finds out, is the least of my problem right now, because even if she doesn't believe me and decided that she doesn't want anything to do with me, I can understand that and try to live with that but what I can't live with is if something happened to her and she's never coming back to me.

I can't even imagine that, because, the crazy fact is, I don't think I could ever survive if I lost her.

Ugh. Just the thought of it scared the shit out of me because that thought kept recurring even right now as I'm laying down crying and it's making me cry harder just by thinking of it.

What if she's really in danger?

But, what if... my father was right?

The thought of that alone is terrifying, knowing that I could hear the familiar voice replayed over and over inside my mind.

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