Chapter 40- Plotting

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WARNING: This chapter can be triggering to some readers. Read at your own risk‼️



Narrator POV

Rico's Mansion

"¿Alguien ha visto a ese bastardo de hermano?" (has anyone seen that bastard of a brother?). Rico asked the bodyguards as he opened the door to his office and stood in the doorway, buckling his belt while the young woman paced through the door, completely naked.


"Jefe me temo que pobemos tener un problema." (Boss, I'm afraid we might have a problem). A member of the la cobra pandilla rushed into the hallway while breathing heavily.

"What is it now, Carlos?" Rico asked while he knitted his eyebrows in confusion as he finally stepped out of his office. He was confused because Carlos was the most fearless la cobra pandilla member and now he looked as if he just saw a ghost.

"Boss- this.. does not.. look good." He spoke through breaths in his thick Mexican accent.

"Carlos, you should know by fucking now that beating around the bush makes my skin itch. Que mierda está pasando?" (What the fuck is going on?). Rico asked in a demanding tone.

"Your wife's sister.. She's dead." Carlos exclaimed.

"So? I never liked the bitch anyway." Rico scoffed as he turned to walk back into his office.

"We found her ripped opened on the balcony. It's fucking bad boss- think I'm gonna- BLEEAAAHHHurkurkBLLEAAHH!" Carlos spoke before he began to vomit.

"Yuck! Carlos, arregla tu mierda!" (Get your shit together!).

"Victor, tell Simón to check the fucking cameras! 'Cause it sure damn looks like he's been fucking sleeping!"

"Got it, boss." Victor, one of the bodyguard responded.

"You, Elix. Lets go to the third floor." Rico demanded and Elix nodded his head as he followed Rico to the elevator before they got in.

The door opened as they reached the third floor and they stepped out of the elevator and Elix quickly walked ahead of Rico along the long hallway and as he got closer towards the glassed door,  he spotted the dead woman covered in blood.

"Stay right here, boss." He said as he stopped at the entrance of the door before he cocked his pistol, then quickly pushed the door opened as he rushed on to the balcony with his gun aiming everywhere, searching for a target but he realised the suspect was already gone.

"What's going- Oh fuck- who the fu- santa maría de mierda." (Holy fucking mary). Rico scrunched his face up as he spotted Gloria's gruesome body laying lifelessly on the floor covered in blood. Her chest was cut wide opened, exposing her intestines and she had a deep gaping wound around her neck, exposing her damage Trachea.

"Jefe es posible que desee comprobar esto ." (Boss, you may want to check this out). Victor said as he pushed the door opened before Rico and Elix strode towards the door and headed back into the direction of the elevator. They got in and Elix pressed 9th floor and the door closed.

The elevator came to a stop when they reached the second to last floor of the mansion before the bodyguards stepped out and Rico followed suite as they marched into the huge Hitek surveillance systems room and his eyes immediately locked in on his brother's gruesome act. He watched as he slit her throat first with the cleaver knife he had, causing her to fell on to the floor as the blood gushed out before he stabbed her five times in the chest then he used the sharp knife to slice through her flesh.

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