Chapter 34- Touch-Me-Not

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Alex POV

11:50 A.M. / Wednesday night

"So, how's he doing?" I asked Gloria on the phone as I sat on the edge of my bed and rested my elbows on my legs.

"He's... uh-"

"He's fucking what?" I asked getting irritated.

"He.. hasn't been talking. In fact Rico told me he's been a mute ever since he had him." She said and I literally felt my heart sank and I closed my eyes tightly.

"Knuc- Alex? You there?" She spoke again and I put the phone back to my ear.

"Did you gave him his gift?"

"I didn't ge-"

"FUCK BITCH! YOU GOT ONE FUCKING JOB!" I quickly got up and started pacing back and forth with my fists balled up as I felt my temper arises.

"I'm sorry! Look, his men kept watching my every move! What was I supposed to do? I promise, I will give it to him." She whispered into the phone.

"Does it look like they hitting him?" I asked as I stopped pacing and rested my forehead against the wall.

"Uh... No."

"I swear to God if you're lieing to me bitch-"

"I- I'm not. He's fine."

"Listen to me bitch, if I ever fucking find out they abusing my little brother and you lieing to me about it, I will kill you. Believe me." I said sternly as I closed my eyes.

"Ha- Alex, come on. I would've told you. D-don't worry." She chuckled nervously.

"Where he at now?"

"Who? Rico or your brother?" She asked.

"My brother, bitch. Where's he at?"

"In his room."

"Get in there and put the phone on video call."

"I- hello. Alex? Are you there?"

"Bitch, I'm right here. Get the fuck in there. I won't say anything to get your ass killed. I just wanna see-"

"Hello- I can't-"


"FUCK!" I yelled as I slammed my forehead against the wall.

You have reached the voicemail box of 651-


I hang up and tossed my phone somewhere in my room.

I think this bitch is lieing to me. She's acting really fucking sus. I gotta find another way to get to him. I thought to myself as I paced towards my nightstand and picked up a bottle of Ramsburry Vodka that I was drinking earlier, and I took the cap off before downing the raw liquor down my throat, feeling the burning sensation down my Trachea.

Suddenly, I saw a headlight shining through my window and I paced towards it while I chugged down the liquor as my eyes followed the light and it came in contact with a black Range Rover, parked in front of Veronica's house. I stood by the window for about a minute or two, looking at the car until I saw the door opened and a petite figured female with long curly hair came out, in a tight ass black dress that hugs her body tightly with a red belt or some shit around her waist and my eyes glanced down at her short inch red heels but I know exactly who she is. In fact, I know that body any and everywhere I see it. She turned around and waved her hand towards whoever the fuck is in that car before she walked away towards her house and I literally felt steam coming out of my fucking ears as I chugged down harder on the bottle of Vodka while watching the car drove off.

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