Chapter 20- Tease And Leave

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Veronica POV

I slowly slid out of my silk purple robe and it fell to the floor, leaving me completely naked as the day I was born and she immediately stopped talking and dropped the gun as her eyes were now glued to my body, before I made steps towards her and she shifted her gaze from my body and my heart sped up as we made eye contact.

"What you doing?" She asked as I stood in front of her and took her right hand, using her index finger to ran over my lips while I stared into her low lustfilled eyes and I watched as she flexed her sexy jawline.

I don't know but there's just something she does to me every single time she flexed her jawline.

She looks even sexier when she does it.

Oh sweet Jesus, help me.

"Make love to me." I said, barely above a whisper as I looked up at her while I continued to move her hand down my stomach before I felt her hand voluntarily moving over to my right breast, slowly massaging it as she stared intensely into my orbs and I suddenly felt so nervous yet so damn turned on.

She tilted her head down to my lips and as our lips touched, she slowly slid her warm tongue into my mouth and I instantly took it as I slid mine into hers and our mouths began to move slow and passionately in sync.

"Mmm-mmm." We moaned in unision into eachother's mouths as she lifted me up and my legs immediately wrapped around her while she began to carry me, not breaking our kiss once.

She carried me up the stairs, to her bedroom before she walked over towards her bed and stopped at the edge, then slowly placed me down and a string of saliva formed as we parted our lips.

"I'll be right back." She said in a low sexy raspy tone and I slightly nodded my head before she walked towards her bathroom and I bit my lips as I watched her walking away into the white towel wrapped around her body and I instantly had a flashback on that one time I saw her standing by her window completely naked and I just couldn't help but wanting to see her like that again, this time, up close. I can't stop imagining what it would feel like, feeling her nude body against mine.

In less than two minutes, I heard the bathroom door creaked opened then she stepped out and my eyes immediately made eye contact with a huge caramel dildo strapped on her lower half, almost matching her skin tone. I slowly scanned my eyes over her sexy toned abs, then her chest and I realised she had on a Puma sports bra as she walked over towards her bed and I slowly moved backwards on her bed as she knelt down and I layed my head against her white fluffy pillow. As she crept closer to me, my heart rate increases and she parted my legs while she gazed into my eyes as she placed my left leg over her shoulder and started to leave traces of kisses down my inner thighs until she reached my spot.

"Ah." I moaned softly as I felt her warm tongue, flicking around my clit and she stared up at me as she is now layed flat on her stomach between my legs while she held on to my leg.

"Ah, yeah." I moaned a little louder as she picked up her pace and I planted my right hand into her damped hair while I began to massaged her scalp.

"Mmm." She hummed , sending vibrations to my core, as she sucked my clit into her mouth and my mouth instantly went agape. I tilted my head down and we made eye contact before she slowly withdrew her lips and licked them as she rose her head up and used her arms to balanced herself up and slid her body up closer to mine until we are chest to chest and I felt her heart palpitated hardly against mine as she scanned my eyes and I nodded giving her the go ahead before I felt her soft lips touched mine. She slid her warm tongue into my mouth while she slowly stroke her hips into me and I felt a slight pain sensation but as she kept going, I felt bliss of pleasures enveloped through my body.

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