Chapter 29- Feelings

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"You trust me?" She asked and I paused for a second before I slightly nodded my head as tears streamed down my face.

"I know you have no fucking reason to trust me and I wouldn't either, you don't have to trust me if you don't want to but don't you ever fucking doubt that I will protect you even if it means losing my own goddamn life." She spoke as she stared deeply into my eyes.

"I trust you." I said as I stared back into her now soft brown eyes.


Alex POV

6:32 P.M.

I have both her legs hoisted on my shoulders as I slowly twirled my tongue around her swollen clit in the backseat of the truck while we locked eyes and I felt butterflies in my stomach as my heart pounded so damn hard in my chest, I thought I'd have a fucking heart attack by now.

"Ahh. Please. Don't stop." She moaned softly as she held on to my head and grinding her pussy on to my face.

"Mmm." I groaned into her pussy as I sucked all of her sweet juices and I suddenly felt the urge to sped up my pace.

"Ohh. My God! Ahh!"

"Ahh! Shit!" She moaned before I tried to add my middle finger inside of her but she quickly shove it away and I stopped.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked confused as I got up and hovered over her.

"It- it hurts." She breathes out.

"I'll be gentle. I promise." I said softly as I stared down at her before I kissed her lips while I slowly insert my middle finger.

"Mmmm." She muffled into my mouth as I slowly moved my finger in and out of her tight pussy as she sank her nails into my back.

"Mmm- Ahhh!" She moaned out as I withdrew my lips while I kept thrusting my finger into her and I felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter by the second.

Squish! Squash! Squish!

"Shit." I groaned as I bit my lip while I stared down at her lustfully.

"Ahh! Baby?-

"Yes babygirl?" I responded.

"Mmm- another finger. Ple- Ahh!" She moaned out as I inserted my ring finger inside her soaked pussy and started thrusting them harder.

"Alex- oh my god- AHH!"

"Oh yeah. You like that shit huh?"

"Ahh! Oh yes baby! I wanna ride your fingers!" She moaned out and I quickly yanked her up by her throat with my fingers still inside her and she quickly hoisted up her black spaghetti strap dress before she straddled me.


"Skk. Oh yeah, ride these fucking fingers baby." I said huskily as she bounced up and down on my long ass fingers.

I don't got a dick but I can feel every fucking thing spiritually and it is making me so fucking weak right now, I feel like I'm about to cum before her.

How can someone make me so fucking weak?

I don't get that shit.

"Ahh! God! Mmm."


"Oh fuck! Oh God!" She moaned out sexily as she threw her head back while she grinded on my fingers and I slowly glided my free hand underneath her dress and cupped her breast before quickly pulling down the straps and devouring both nipples.

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