Chapter 10- Knight In Shining Armour

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👆[Veronica in media]👆

Veronica POV

7:08 P.M.

I slowly opened my eyes and my surrounding was spinning like a maniac, as I slowly sat up holding my head while I shut my eyes tightly due to a sudden thunderclap headache and regretted my actions.

"Skk, ouch." I hissed in pain.

"Princess please lay back down. Dr. Rod said you'll need plenty of rest for the medication to work." My dad said and I quickly shifted my gaze to the side of the bed where he was, sitting on a chair. I was a bit startled because I didn't know anyone was in here with me.

"Where am I?" I asked confused barely above a whisper, while slowly laying back down.

"Baby you're in your room."

"What happened? When did I get home? I don't rem-

"Shh... don't stress your self too much. You'll make the headache worst. Here take this. Dr. Rod said you'll have to take an Aspirin once you regain conciousness." He said while he helped me sat up and positioned the pillow against the headboard and slowly propped my head back on it while I took the pill and glass of water from him, gulping them down.

"Daddy what happened? Why was Dr. Rod here?" I asked him and his once worried look turned into a cold one as he averted his gaze.

"Dr. Rod said you were exposed to Chloroform. He also said that there was a large amount in your system. Someone was trying to kill you Veronica." He spoke with a stern look on his face, not sparing me a glance once and I could tell that he was pissed.

"Someone tried to kill me? But how? Why? I can't remember anything other than being at Ivany's house, waking up in her bed and talking to you on the phone."

"What time is it?"

"7:10 P.M." He answered.

"What? I blocked out that long?"

"Did- did you brought me home? I can't seem to remember anything about what took place after you called me." I asked while I placed my hands against my forehead.

"No. That dike bitch brought you here. I know she gotta have something to do with this." He said sternly through gritted teeth and my memory came rushing in.


"VERONICA!! NO!! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THAT FUCKING CAR!!" She yelled and I swiftly motioned my head in the direction of the voice as she hopped out of the truck that was parked in front of Vany's house and sprinted my way.

"Alex?" I said and the car door flew opened as the man who was asking me for direction swiftly got out and rushed towards me in all black, while he held a red bandana in his right hand.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!!! She yelled before he swiftly grabbed me backwards and held the cloth over my nose and I was out like a lamp. I couldn't remember anything after that.

I held onto my chest breathing heavily.

"Princess? What's wrong?" He asked reaching his arm out to me as he got up and sat next to me on the bed while he embraced my head against his chest, slowly stroking my hair.

"I- I think someone tried to kidnapped me but she saved me daddy." I said lowly.

"Sweetie, who tried to kidnap you? Did you saw their face?-

"No. He was in full suit of black, it was difficult to see his face because of the shades and the hoodie. I remember clearly that he drove up to me in a black BMW and was asking me for direction to someone's house in Vany's neighborhood then I heard someone yelled out to me and when I looked, it was her rushing over to me telling me to move away from the car and everything just went blank after th-

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