Chapter 21- Suspicious

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Alex POV

2 weeks later

I haven't heard from Veronica since the night I told her to leave. I didn't called to apologise to her or nothing either, even though I know I was wrong and she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. I just don't wanna keep saying I'm sorry and end up doing the same shit over and over, just because I can't trust my fucking self so it's best that I leave that girl alone. Even though these past two weeks has been hell for me because no matter what I did or how hard I tried, I just can't seemed to get her off my fucking mind. I just can't. I don't know why.

My nightmares are getting worst. I have them everynight and I've been a walking zombie because I get less sleep. My pills are running out and I gotta refilled them as soon as possible. Lately, I've just been a fucking mess.

"Yow, get off my fucking sofa motherfucker." I said to the dog and it just ignored me while it began to rolled over on its back.

I just took it outside for an early morning walk.

"Yow! Get the fuck up!" I yelled and the little motherfucker still ignored my ass

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"Yow! Get the fuck up!" I yelled and the little motherfucker still ignored my ass.

"SANDY!" I shouted, using the name Veronica called it and it immediately sat up straight while it began to bark and wagged its tail.

Honestly, it's the first time I've seen it this active and playful. I guess the medications are really working.

I took it to the Vet the other day for the reviews and the doctor said the wound is almost healed and he gave me another bottle of antibiotics to give it until its fully healed. However, I've been noticing little changes in its behavior. Its not that annoying as fuck as before, so I bought a cage for it the other day and I swear I wish that little motherfucker had still lost its appetite because now it has been eating none fucking stop, I can't feed it!

"So you really like that stupid ass name huh?" I said to it and it barks back at me while wagging its tail.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

"Come on Sandy, get in your cage now." I said opening the cage door and it immediately stopped barking and jumped off the sofa and landed on its face, before quickly running off towards the cage and got in.

"Hm. Who taught you that? You one smart ass dog I see." I said while watching it eat in the cage before I locked it and head upstairs to my bedroom.

I stripped out of my Sweats and underwear as I headed to the bathroom, throwing them in the hamper before showering then did my other morning hygiene routines.

I got out of the bathroom while drying my hair with a white small towel and a white one wrapped around my waist, heading towards my dresser before I snatched the drawer opened and took out my dark blue boxer shorts and a plain dark blue sports bra, putting them on.

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