Chapter 19- Distraction

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Alex POV

4:33 P.M.|Einstein Plumbers

'I love you.' That's all I could hear repeatedly in my head last night. I couldn't sleep. Not that I could, because of that fucking dog howling all damn night long in my basement. Patience is what I'm not used to having and pretty soon, I'm gonna lose my shit.

However, the appointment for the dog is next Saturday so I'm hoping by then, I'm not out of my meds to manslaughter that fucking thing. I'm sick of it!

I was up all night thinking. Thinking about everything, from the past to the present. From hurting Veronica to fucking her. This is the second time I did this shit to her and trust me, I'm capable of doing worst when I'm off the meds.

How the fuck can she love someone like me?

I left her house mad as fuck lastnight because that buff fucking hulk looking delivery nigga got me tight as fuck calling her 'baby' and shit. And on top of that, fucking around with her like they fucking. Like who the fuck is he to her?

How comes she never told me she has a nigga?

Okay. I'm just fucking her, that's all..

So why the fuck do I feel like this?

"Hi Alex." Jody, the telephone operator said, snapping me out of my thoughts as she stood in the doorway of the Gear Room and I glanced at her and saw her smiling before averting my eyes to finish packing away the Plumbing tools in their drawers because It was time to clock out of work.

"Jody." I simply said as I began to locked the drawers with the keys.

"Busy day today huh?" She chuckled and I ignored her as I took my dirty trousers off and was now left in just my sports bra and underpants.

"So you heading home now?"

"Ain't that fucking obvious? Look, what the fuck do you want bitch?" I snapped at her as I turned to face her, getting irritated as fuck.

"Can I-"

"Nah bitch." I said, cutting her off.

"Please, I just want you to make me feel that bliss again." She said as she bit her crusty ass lips.

"I fucked you one time, almost a year ago. Get over your fucking self." I said while I slid my black T-shirt over my head.

"Can I at least take you out or something? Please?" She asked stepping closer to me and I glared at her.

"Step another motherfucking foot closer and I'll knock you the fuck out. Get the fuck out my way bitch." I said as I roughly shove her against the lockers and walked off.

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THIS?!" She shouted and I just kept walking until I got out of the building and I strolled over towards my car.

The fuck is wrong with this bitch? I fucked her one motherfucking time and she acting like we a fucking thing now?

Jody is pure chocolate sexy but the last thing I wanna do right now is fuck my coworker. I ain't need no work drama. I have enough drama to deal with in my life.

Vrrt Vrrt

My phone started vibrating as I sat in the car and I glanced at the screen and saw two new messages before I unlocked it.

Veronica🍑💦: What did I do Alex?

Veronica🍑💦: Can you please, just talk to me?

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