Chapter 35- Tension

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As soon as Veronica stepped on her pavement she realised her father was already back from Church because his black Jeep was parked in the garage and her heart immediately started beating harder against her chest as she walked closer towards the door before she slowly but hesitantly opened it, not wanting it to make any noise.

When she got in, the living room lights were off and she sighed in relief, thinking that maybe her father hadn't noticed she was gone because he knew her car was at a Technician and Ryan had dropped her home.

Maybe he just didn't check on me when he got home. She thought to herself.

She took her shoes off and made small, light steps towards the staircase before the lights came on and she froze at the spot.

"Where are you coming from at this hour, young lady?"


Veronica POV

"D- daddy, you scared me!" I turned around and my eyes made eye contact with my father's, and I felt my heart pounding extremely hard in my chest as my breathing got stuck in my throat.

"Veronica Aaliyah Mills, where the hell are you coming from at this hour of the night?" He asked sternly as he took a sip of his drink before he placed the glass down on the glass table in front of him.

"I- uh- lost my earring and went outside to search for it." I lied as I quickly looked away, and he slammed his hand down on the table, making me gasp.

" 'Lieing lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.' " He recites a bible verse in a stern tone.

"How dare you stand before me and lie before me and God! I SAW YOU COMING FROM THAT DYKE'S HOUSE!" He shouted, causing my body to quiver in fear.

"Dad- I- I can ex-"

"Did I raised you like that, child?" He asked and I just looked down, feeling embarrassed as I felt a tight lump formed in my throat.

"ANSWER ME!" I jumped in fright and quickly looked up at him.

"No, father." I said softly as I tried my best to fight back my tears but failed miserably.

"Then answer this Veronica.. why the hell were you coming out of that thing house?" He asked and I quickly looked up at him in disbelief.


"ARE YOU A DAMN LESBIAN?!" He yelled as he stood up and I just sobbed harder.

"I'm sorry!" I cried out and he flounced off angrily towards the door and I quickly followed him as he opened the door and stormed over Alex's house.

"Daddy, please!" I pleaded as I sprinted behind him.

"WHERE'S THAT WANNA BE MAN?! HEY! OPEN THE DOOR YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled as he banged on the door hardly.

"No, please, Daddy. Don't do th-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" He shouted at me before he started banging harder on the door this time and my heart started palpitated harder in my chest as I heard the locks clicked and the door swinged wide opened revealing an angry Alex.

"The fuck-"


"NO, DADDY!" I shouted as he punched Alex in the face and I held his arm as he made another attempt to hit her again and he slowly turned to look at my hand on his arm before he looked at me, disappointedly.

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