Meaning lots.

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It was just an ordinary day in Mobius, the sky was blue, the sun was bright, and the grass was green. Such a beautiful planet I live in.

I was on a cliff with Longclaw who I see as a mother, since I never got to meet my birth mother. Longclaw took care of me ever since I was a baby hedgie and within all her years tried to keep me loved and cared for.

Deep and buried in my thoughts, I had a better view of my home from here alright.

"It's so beautiful up here Longclaw!" I yelled with joy.

"I knew you'd love it!" Longclaw replied with a smile.

Longclaw slowly frowned after that.

"Unfortunately you know we can't stay here for long."

"Why not?" I replied.

"The sun is starting to set down and you remember what I've told you haven't I?" She stated.

I frowned as well. But nodded in reply.

Ah yes. That. The hunters.
Longclaw thinks it's too dangerous out at night due to hunters. She says they're willing to hunt anyone they come across, and to keep the both of us safe she doesn't let me run around after sundown since she claims they only appear after the sun goes down. What I really question myself daily though...

Are they really dangerous as Longclaw makes them seem?


After a good night sleep and breakfast, I meet up with Longclaw infront of our tree-like home. I always wonder why she stands there in the mornings, of course I stand beside her to keep her company and we chat.

"Sonic, you know you're important to me more than anything right?" She says as she wrapped a wing around me for comfort.

I turned to her and smiled.

"You're important to me, too."


"Sonic! I need to go out to get some more food for us! I'll be back soon dear!"


"And remember to stay inside!"

I nodded in response.

Yes, also that I seemed to forget to talk about. Longclaw checks on me very much often because I tend to sneak out, and of course without her permission. I don't blame her for checking on me, though it's hard for me to sneak out now and see more of the planet but I get it, she just wants to keep the both of us safe..

Now that I think about it.. she's so overprotective that I can't even have friends.

'They could be hunters Sonic' 'They could be working for them Sonic' 'I'm doing this to protect you Sonic'

I know she's doing this to protect me but sometimes..

I wanna be free to do what I choose to do.


"Sonic I'm home!" I hear Longclaw yell from the front door.

I ran towards her and give her a big hug.. and then I hear a cough.

"Are you okay?.." I asked with a frown.

"I'm okay sweetheart, it's just a little cold. It was quite pouring outside when I was searching for food. I'll be alright, I promise." She said, slightly smiling.

"You should rest!" I said, gently pulling on her wing.

"That seems like a good idea." She sniffled.

I take her to her room and slowly set her down on the bed and she quickly falls asleep.

I smiled to myself, Longclaw took care of me these five years, whenever I was ill she took care of me, and whenever Longclaw couldn't take care of me, I would take care of her.

I wanna do something for her!

Standing at the front door of our tree-like home once again, I've decided to sneak out and find her one of her favorite flowers, A sunflower! That'll cheer her up!

I know I'm not even supposed to be going out, especially after sundown. But I'm sonic the hedgehog! I'm fast! I'll be back in time.

With no more time to waste, I dash and into the way of the sunflower garden where all the sunflowers bloom.

I land in an area that doesn't really look a sunflower garden.. but a hydrangea garden.

"Hmm.. I'm sure it was here.. maybe I turned in a wrong direction."

While being in my thoughts..

I spot a red figure in a slight distance.

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