Closer to the destination.

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"What?! A portal?!"

I took a closer look inside the portal, and I see mountains, tall trees, and very green grass.

"Is that supposed to be earth?" I questioned. "It's more beautiful looking at it in person!"

"So then that means.. these rings make some kind of portals?" I said, holding one up.
"Guess Im taking these with me."

"And now.. to leave." I looked around the library and take a deep breath.

"I'm doing this for you Longclaw and Tails, I'm going to fix my mistake of ever bringing him into my life." I said, holding a fist at my chest.

Then, I step into the portal..

Into a whole new planet.


"Is it almost finished yet?"

"Almost done, sir!"

"To me, the saying 'almost done' means.. NEVER."

"We promise you, sir! That It'll be done by Tommorow night."

"It better be! I need every single owl, including that hedgehog, GONE! DEAD! Now get keep moving!" I demanded.

Now to see my.. son.

I step in his room to see him, glaring at the window.

"It's no use son, there's no way you're going out that window." I scoffed.

"I'm here to stare at the beautiful view I have from here, before it's completely ruined by the likes of you." He said, not facing me at all.

"I'm doing what's right!"

"You know what, that's what I thought too. I thought getting rid of Sonic was the best way to make me stop thinking about him, but that would've caused me more misery." He answered, now turning towards me.

"More misery?"

"Yes, the misery of growing up without a mother, having to train since birth.. possibly doing so until my bones would crack!.. even if I did, you wouldn't care right? You would tell me to keep going, and going, and going, AND GOING!"

"Enough!" I shouted. "I'm no longer taking this.. nonsense from you! It's awfully sad you didn't get to say goodbye to your little boyfriend.. before he rots in the deepest part of hell for being who he is.. an abomination."

"So You're saying that men who like men go to hell?! So then I am-"

"He put a curse on you, Knuckles. It's not your fault.. it's never been your fault. But you know.. once we're finished- all this will be over!" I replied, heading to the door and leaving him be.


That crazy old man! He just won't stop telling me to stop thinking of him, telling me I'm confused when I'm not! And because of him!..

Sonic hates me.

Whatever it takes, I need to get out of here and search for him! Tell him that everything my father said were lies! They all were! I'm not confused, I know I love him.

"I'm so sorry, Sonic.. I failed you. I failed us. I'm not strong as you think I am.

I look at the ring on my knuckle, and I smile due to thinking of all the happy memories we've had together. I even remember the many things he's told me about planet earth, of how it looked like, of what's there, we even planned on getting married there. I then frown suddenly.. think that I'll nevar see him again.

And without meaning to, I remove the ring from my knuckle and throw it onto the ground out of frustration.

For it to reveal a portal.


This place is so amazing! There's so many places to run. This just keeps getting better and better.

I wish Longclaw and Tails were here to see it, I know they would love it as much as I do.

"Well, that's enough looking around for now. I got to stay focused!" I said to myself. "Now this map said that there's a compass that leads to the master emerald and that is.. near those mountains over there!"

"Ha! This is actually more easier than I thought, I'll be back home in no time!" I added.


"How- how'd that happen?!" I look deeper into the portal, admiring the view.

Is this supposed to be..



"Hey, Knux! Check this out!" Sonic exclaimed. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Indeed it is. Is this how earth appears to be like?" I asked.

"Mhm! I can't.. wait for us to go there."

"And neither can I." I smiled, placing an arm around his shoulders.


Sonic always enjoyed talking about planet earth. Seeing him happy made me happy.. his smile that shined so bright, the way his eyes lit up.

I take a deep breath and look back at my bedroom door.

"Let's see how you like that I've disappeared, father.. or should I even call you that." I scoffed.

"This is way better than me staying here!" I said, stepping into the portal.


"Well, now that I have this compass.. I guess I can move on to the next step." I said, while looking at the compass. "Now where do you place this thing, map?"

"Aha! Right here! Some kinda beach right? Actually, what is that?" I look closer at the map in confusion. "Guess I'll see when I get there."

When I get to my destination, I notice that there's no certain area to place to compass.

"Great.. now what?" I let out a groan as I sat on the sand. "I can't go home empty handed.. so where do I place this?!" I said as I held the compass right in front of me. The map led me here so there's gotta be a way.

I roam around the sand, throwing piles here and there. Then I spot something from moving sand around the area, a spot to place the compass.

"Aha! There it is." I said, placing the compass in it's place. The ground starts to shake and the sand starts to slowly reveal some mystical design. Soon, the water starts to create a path, the whole scene now shining in green light.

"This is it..."

"This is the moment."

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