Glad to see you again.

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Goodness, you sure are heavy Knux!" I panted.

"Well Sonic, I am 1 million percent muscle." I replied.

"I'm surprised I was even able to carry you.." I groaned as I crossed my arms and turning my back towards him.

"That means you're strong!" He said and then grabbed my arm and gave me a kiss.

"Yeah yeah.." I blushed.

"It looks so beautiful here.." he softly said.

"It does.." I answered.

"It pretty is a massive settlement, isn't it?" I added.

"Just like Angel island.." he remarked.

"Who are you two?" A voice behind us. 

We quickly turned around to see a woman with  red fur, brown hair and green eyes. She wore brown boots, a yellow-and-white layered dress. Her dreadlocks featuring crisscrossing white stripes and she had a single long braid ending in an ornamental orb of sorts.

The woman gasped as soon as she saw Knuckles. She then started making her way slowly towards us and I grabbed Knuckles' hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He gave me a glance and I smiled at him, it was a way of letting him know that everything is going to be okay.

"Knuckles?... is that you?.." The woman questioned. I backed up behind them now, to keep from being in the way.


"Hi mother.." I softly said.  She placed her hands on my checks.

"I thought.. I thought I'd never see you again." She said, her voice slightly cracking.

There was a slight silence between us, and then she suddenly wrapped her arms around me, bringing me to a hug. I can now feel her tears on my shoulder and hear her sobbing. I soon hug her in return.

She unwrapped her arms around me, now making eye contact with me once again.

"You've grown up so much.." she whispered. I smiled and nodded as a response.

"We've come such a long way to come find you mother, I'm just glad we were able to find you!" I said, holding her hands in my own.

"I'm glad as well, but come! Come! Let's not stand out here, come with me to my home!" She exclaimed, motioning her hand for me and Sonic to follow her.

Once we got there we were greeted by man, a man who was also carrying a baby in his hands.

"I'm assuming that's her hu-"

"Husband.. yeah.." I interrupted.

"You're not bothered by that, are you Knux?" Sonic asked.

"No, no, as long as my mother is happy, then I'm happy." I replied.

"Hi honey!" My mother exclaimed to her husband.

"Hi sweetheart!.. and who are these two boys?" He smiled.

"This is my son, Knuckles! And his friend... uh-"

"Sonic! My name is Sonic, ma'am.." Sonic said, his tone sounding very nervous.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't ask before Sonic, I was just in the moment of seeing my son and-"

"No need to apologize ma'am! It's quite alright.." Sonic said as he rubbed his neck.

"Alright then, come inside and we'll get lunch started!" My mother said.

"Say Sonic.. you wouldn't know how to cook would you?" My mother's husband asked.

"Why no sir but-"

"Great! Now would be a good time to learn right, buddy?" He said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Sonic looked at me with a flustered look, a flustered look of embarrassment. I smile and nodded, it was a way of telling him that it was alright.

Besides, as much as I wanted Sonic to bond with my mother, it wouldn't be bad for him to bond with my mother's husband. And now.. it would be a good time to get some answers..

Now that I think about it.. I think her husband knows the answers and wants my mother to tell me personally, that's why her husband chose to spend time with Sonic for now.

As Sonic and my mother's husband went to the kitchen, me and my mother sat down on the couch.

"Mother, I want answers." I said in a serious tone.

"I know you do Son .." she replied.

"I mean.. that must've been the reason why you came, right?" She added.

I didn't say anything in response. At that moment, I couldn't say what I really thought..What I really wanted to express..

If it wasn't for Sonic, I don't think I would've been able to show any type of affection at all. At that moment, I couldn't tell her that I also came here so she could meet the man... I want to marry in the future.

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