Difficulty of understanding.

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We left the hydrangea garden and walked around a bit more until we can return back to the cave.

Me and Knuckles decided that once the sun rises up, we would go our separate ways. Of course not permanently, but because our parents must be going insane by now trying to search for us. When me and Knuckles return, we know that we're going to be dealing with a hell of many consequences. What matters most is that me and Knuckles were able to get away from that stuff for a bit.

I haven't been dealing with too much terrible crap, but Knuckles- he's been training for sixteen years, not being able to make friends nor discover love because his father thinks it's a distraction. And me, didn't have a single friend for fifteen years except for Tails now because Longclaw didn't trust anyone. This whole entire war situation is such a load of shit! I hate it!.. I hate it so much.

It's going to be a lot more difficult when we return back. Me and Knuckles won't be able to see eachother for quite a while and I hope that it doesn't affect our relationship either.

They definitely won't expect us to be in a relationship at all, but more like a friendly one, I know that both sides would go absolutely nuts if they found out we are in a romantic one instead.

I still don't know what excuse to give to Longclaw on why I left.. and why - why did I leave with the enemy? She'll ask that!.. I know she will!

I would tell her that I like Knuckles.. but she could be dramatic sometimes- but most of all, Will she understand what I feel for Knuckles is real?

The guy I can trust with this the most is Tails. He would call me out on what I do wrong but he doesn't judge me, and that's what I like about him.

"Sonic, when we go back.. I want you to know that I will always try to make time to see you." He said.

"I know you will, and I will too.." I slightly smiled and squeezed his hand in reassurance.

And before we can say anything else, we heard some twigs cracking behind us. Knuckles quickly pushed me behind him and put his arm in front of me.

We then saw a figure coming closer and closer to us.

"Finally! I found you!.."

"Tails?!" I cried out, gently pushing Knuckles' arm out of the way.

"Ugh!..you again?!" Knuckles yelled.

"Hey, hey It's okay." I said, giving him a smile and Knuckles rolled his eyes in response.

"Tails, how'd you find us?" I asked him. He looked like he hasn't slept in days, his fur was all messy, and if I'm correct he also had slight eyebags appearing.

"With this gadget!.. it took me almost two nights but I got it!" He exclaimed, raising the gadget in the air.

"How's everything?.." I softly asked. He chuckled sarcastically.

"How's- everything?" He repeated.

"HOWS EVERYTHING?!" He yelled.

"Because of the both of you!.. There has been wars nonstop! Locke thought Sonic kidnapped you! And Longclaw thought that HE kidnapped you, Sonic!" He yelled, shoving me. Me and Knuckles exchanged concerned looks at one another.

"Im sorry Tails, you've must've been so stressed..." I said, putting a hand on Tails' shoulder but he slaps it away.

"Longclaw is worried sick about you! And you! Your father is also worried sick for you!" Tails stated, pointing at him.

"How do you know that?-" He asked, raising a brow. Tails doesn't answer, he just stays quiet.

"Wait a second- now that I'm actually taking quite a look at you... you seem oddly familiar."

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