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I was standing in front of the house and admiring the view ahead of me.

I slept absolutely great knowing that I was allowed to see Knuckles, but also not knowing if he could see me as well.

"Hey Longclaw! Imma go for a run, is that okay ?!" I yelled.

"Yes! Just be careful please! And don't be gone for too long!" She yelled from inside.

"Alright.. little stretch and- let's go!" I said to myself.

As I was running, I was thinking about every moment I spent with Knuckles. Our first encounter, our second encounter, and.. our first kiss. I started giggling to myself just by thinking about it.

I pass by a route that leads to the hydrangea garden, and I decided to go there to relax my legs for a bit.

When I got there, I spotted a red figure and I knew exactly who it was.

"Eh.. I don't think it would be bad to scare him a bit." I whispered to myself.

I tiptoed towards him, being careful on not to make any sudden sound that may alert him of my presence.


"BOO!" I yelled out and before I can even react, Knuckles turns around quickly, charging his fist at me but pausing right away when he realizes that it's me.

"Sonic?!" He questioned.

"Hello to you too, Knux.." I nervously said.

"Don't do that!- you know I could've actually hurt you if I didn't stop!?"

"Im sorry!-" I exclaimed.

He sighed but then smiled down at me.

I then spreaded my arms out happily, motioning him to a hug, he rolled his eyes playfully and hugged me in return.

"I actually have some great news for you Knux!" I said, looking up at him.

"Oh? And what is that?" He asked, giving a smile.

"I am allowed to see you.. Longclaw she- she knows about us." I said as I squinted my eyes in non-reassurance not knowing if telling him was a great idea.

"And she's okay with it?.." he hesitantly asked.


"Well I could say the same thing. Er- it's because my father thinks that you're not like the owls, but.. he doesn't know we're in a relationship.." He stated.

"Oh.. well- that's okay! I mean it doesn't matter if some know we're in a relationship and some knows that we aren't, as long as we're together, I'm happy!" I smiled.


I smiled. I'm just glad that an echidna warrior wasn't here to watch me.. or else, they would've heard that and I would've been screwed.


"Of course, I'll have my trusting companion watch over you, Knuckles!" Locke remarked.

"What?! No!-" I yelled and my father stopped in his steps, now glaring at me.

"I mean.. there's no need for that- Besides, you said it yourself.. the hedgehog is completely harmless. I stated.

"I see.. then I suppose you're right! I trust you son!" He smiled.

I hated that smile, because it was a smile that did not mean anything good at all..


"Knux, Knux are you okay?" Sonic asked while waving hand over my face.

"Ah yes! I'm fine." I answered.

"You sure? You kinda zoned out a bit.." He asked.

"Yes Sonic.. I was just thinking." I said, reassuring him.

"About what?"

"About.. uh- about us! About how our relationship will turn out and you know, it turns out great!" I said, placing my hands on his cheeks.

"Oh? Well I'm glad you think so." He smirked, and then gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"I gotta get going.. my father doesn't even know I've left, he thinks I'm still training, but if he has figured out I've left, I'll just tell him I was with you.. it's not a big deal." I stated.

"Heh..yeah. It's okay, I gotta get going too, Longclaw told me not to be gone for long.. I'll see you soon Knuckles.." He smiled.

"Soon enough, Sonic." I said as I cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss.


I came back home and greeted Longclaw, but saw no sign of Tails.

"Hey Longclaw, where's Tails?" I asked, scanning the room then looking back at her.

"Uh.. he went off on a morning stroll as well!" She replied.

"Really- he doesn't usually do that though." I said, crossing my arms.

"He probably wanted to try that, dear.." she softly stated.

"Hmm.." Was all I could say and then headed to my room.

As I going toward my room, I spot Longclaw's library.. somewhere where I haven't been in quite a while.

It wouldn't be such a bad idea to head in there, besides I'll just get a book to read, I'm sure it won't be a big deal.

I carefully turn the knob, and quietly open the door and step in.

I then quietly closed the door and looked around.

"Wow!.. it looks exactly how I remembered it!.." I whispered.

I walked towards the book-case where it had all my favorite romantic books.

"If it weren't for these, I don't think I wouldn't have wanted to discover love at all." I said to myself.

I grabbed one of my favorite books, which was called "An Unexpected Kind of Love", it also reminded me of me and Knuckles' relationship because you know.. our love was pretty unexpected. Wait-


I shrugged to myself, now pushing that thought aside. As I decide to put the book back after admiring the cover, I notice something inside the shelf where the book was held.

I grabbed it and it felt like a bag full of a specific object, also not to mention it made a jingling sound. I opened the bag and pulled out the specific item in there.

A ring?

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