Almost there.

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Me and Sonic decided that we'd meet up in the middle of the woods so that we can head our way to meet my mother.

I just hope that he got permission from.. Longclaw.

"Knux!!" Sonic yelled.

"Sonic..." I smiled.

"Can you believe that Longclaw gave me permission!? It's unbelievable.. she's changed so much, Knuckles.." He exclaimed.

"I'm happy for you." I smiled once again.

"Well, let's go! I honestly can't wait to meet your mother!"

I nodded and I held out my hand for Sonic to hold. He smiled and took my hand.

Well.. off we go.


I stare at the window out in the living room, hoping that Sonic is okay.  I know he's brave and he would face anything that comes in his way. 

But for some reason, I still get worried about him..


"He's so sweet isn't he?" Longclaw stated.

"Yes, of course! He's always willing to accompany others in need, that's one of the reasons why I idolize him so much." I replied.

"But how will I follow without them both spotting me?"

"Actually Tails... you don't need to watch Sonic this time." She answered.

"Really?! But you said-"

"I know what I said, but this time.. I can't. If what Sonic said is true and that echidna wants Sonic to accompany him then.. I think they want to spend time with his mother without someone watching them.. understand?" She said and I nodded in response.

"It's so terrible how that boy has lived without his mother while growing up..he must've needed her so much.." she sighed.

"I know.." I frowned.

"Tails.. if anything happens to me one day..You and that echidna take care of Sonic for me, okay?"

"What?! Don't say that Longclaw! You're going to be okay! You'll grow up with Sonic like you need to.. You have to!" I shouted.

"You and Sonic are the best kids.." Longclaw softly said.

I went up to her and hugged her tightly. She wrapped her wings around me, giving me warmth.

Why did she mention.. herself leaving?..


After walking for  the entire afternoon, it was already nighttime, I suggested that I could carry Knuckles and we just make a dash for it in the morning but Knuckles just wants to walk instead.

We decided to rest for the night now, so we gathered up firewood and got ourselves settled.

"Hey Knuckles.. are you nervous about meeting your mom?"

"Of course not! I don't get nervous about anything!" He stated.

I chuckled at this.

"It's okay to be nervous, just because you were raised to be a big, strong, warrior doesn't mean you have to act like one." I said, placing a hand over his own, giving it a little squeeze.

"It's just.. I haven't seen her in so many years, what if she doesn't recognize me?" He sighed.

"Of course she'll recognize you! You're her son!" I exclaimed.

"I see.." he said.

"You'll be fine Knux, I'll be there with you." I smiled.

"Thank you, Sonic... I really appreciate it.. I appreciate you."

"And I appreciate you, Knuckles." I said and then gave him a kiss on the forehead.


I wake up to Knuckles' arms being wrapped around me, keeping me warm. I nuzzled up against his chest.

I don't even want this to end.

But sadly it has to.

"Knux, Knux, it's time to wake up." I whispered.

"Isn't it too early right now?!" He groaned.

"No Knuckles, come on, let's find some food!" I said, patting his back.

"Alright, Alright, fine." He said, removing his arms from me.

"I think by a few more hours of walking we'll be there..hopefully." I hesitated.

"You know Sonic.. I'm not a very patient person- so I think I'll take your idea, yeah?"

"About running instead?" I asked and he nodded.

"You sure?"

"I chose to walk before because that was a way to spend time with you." He answered.

"Knuckles, you have plenty of time to spend with me. Your mom on the other hand.. not so much, so I understand!" I replied.

"And this is why you're amazing." He said, giving me a quick kiss on the lips and getting up from the ground.

"Now let's go find some food." He added.



"You guys were supposed to keep an eye on him!" I yelled.

"We know sir.. we just didn't think he was capable of doing something like this."

"Well I did! That boy is so stubborn! When he wants answers badly he stops at nothing until he gets them."

This boy was trained to be an obedient strong warrior! Not a disobedient one! Ugh..

"Do you think the owls captured him sir?.."

"No, that would be ridiculous.. besides, my son is "friends" with the hedgehog and as long as the hedgehog is fooled and my son is CAREFUL, then absolutely not." I answered.

"Unless.. my son and the hedgehog went someone here.. possibly, where the emerald is!?" I added.

"I don't think so sir.." I glared at the two idiots.

"Well of course you don't, because you two are fools! Now leave.. before I absolutely lose it." 

Without hesitation, they left. I sighed.

For some reason, I have a bad feeling..

About the hedgehog and my son..

If my son is lying to me about hanging out with the hedgehog and not doing what he's supposed to do!.. so help me-

Knuckles is never going to see him again.

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