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With the music, this chapter sounds intense so..😳


I ran as fast and far away as I could, but I wasn't losing the sight of the other echidnas after me. I regretted leaving Sonic the moment I started running, I didn't want to leave him alone but he asked me to.. he trusted me with the emerald.  'Picture a tree with windows and a door..'

What do you mean by that Sonic?!

"Wait a moment, the rings! I can send them to another place, so that they'll stop chasing me!" I exclaimed. I immediately grabbed a ring from the bag, struggling a bit since I was holding the master emerald.

I thought of the first thing that came to mind and threw the ring behind me, I stopped in my tracks to see them run into it instantly.

"That's what you deserve.." I snickered to myself.

I immediately remember Sonic's worlds about picturing some tree with windows and a door.. how silly is that? I then realized what he meant.. and I let out a frustrated sigh.

So that's what he meant..

I then grab another ring from the bag, now picturing the image, I then throw it out in front of me. With no time to loose, I step in and the portal closes behind me.

I take a deep breath, knowing that there's a damn owl here that might slaughter me without me having the will to speak. Not to mention, how the hell am I supposed to explain  that Sonic's in danger? Well, here goes nothing..

I knock on the door and wait for an answer. The person I would at least like to see, apart from Longclaw opens the door and I see .. the fox. Not surprising that he lives here with Sonic and Longclaw. His eyes completely have widened when he saw in his doorway, he doesn't say anything.. but I think that's because he's comprehending if me in front of him right now is real or not.  He then quickly notices the emerald in my hands and grabs something from behind his back.. another damn taser.

"Hand it over!" He demanded.

"Not a chance!" I replied.

"You think I won't tase you like I've done last time?" He asked while raising a brow.

"I know that you will! But can you at least let me explain?! we don't have that much time! Sonic's in danger! He-"

"Wait, Sonic's in danger?!" He repeated.  I don't say anything but nod as a response. The fox let out a loud groan before speaking again.

"Come inside.." Without hesitation, I immediately follow his order and step inside.

"What happened to Sonic? What did you do to him?" He asked as he glared at me.

"Me?! I didn't do anything, fox! But if don't do something right now, something will happen to him!" I shouted.

"Keep your voice down! Longclaw is resting and she doesn't need someone like YOU waking her up... oh, that's right, you don't care."

"Sonic does. That's all that matters to me. That's why I ask that you take me to her so I can heal her." I answered.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to allow that." He said as he crossed his arms.

"Look, I can heal her alright! I have an ability to heal others with just a hand on the master emerald.

"Sonic told you she's sick?.." He frowned.

"Yes, I promise you that I have no intention on hurting Longclaw or any other owl, that's not who I am anymore." I replied.

"Maybe- maybe I was wrong about you." He said as he lowered his head.

"It's quite alright, fox." I softly smiled, hesitating to place a hand on his shoulder for comfort but I do it anyway. He looks up at me and slowly smiles back.

"Okay! Let's go!" He said as he started running into a deeper part of the home and I quickly followed him.


I slowly start to open my eyes, my eyes still feeling slightly heavy. I look below me to see myself tied up to a bark tree and I groaned in pain.

"What happened?.." I asked myself. On the side of my eye, I see Locke appearing from behind and he stands in front of me.

"About time you're up boy! Wouldn't want to knock you on your head once again.. but this time it would have been to wake you up."  He chuckled. I don't say anything but glare at him.

"Smile boy! You're about to die with honor. You can't die while frowning.. it's quite sad." He said as he slammed his fist above my head onto the tree.

"I won't die in your hands! I know Knuckles is going to come save me." I answered.

"You're a fool of you think that. Did you not believe me the first time?! When I told you that all he wanted was the emerald. I wasn-"

"Cut the crap, you have lied to me.. but YOURE the fool if you think I'm going to believe you again!" I interrupted.

"You're so stubborn! But tonight, you'll die! You'll die from corrupting the mindset of my son with your homosexual behavior!"

"Hey! I like women too you-"

"Quiet! My son was a great warrior until you came along! You've ruined him, you've made him weak." He shouted.

"I didn't make him weak. I made him MENTALLY strong because he was miserable, he was miserable because of YOU." I said.

"Don't spout nonsense." He said as he turned his back towards me.

"No, It's true. Think about it, you've trained him since birth, you've never gave him affection that a father should give to his son, and worst of all! you banished his mo-" Before I can finish, he quickly turns around and puts a hand against my neck, my head slamming against the tree but I was able to take the pain.

"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told your mother figure ten years ago.. you will NOT tell me how to raise my son." He said as he slowly started tightening his grip more and more..
I was slowly loosing breath. I saw the look in his eyes, he was enjoying seeing me struggle, and fighting for air.

"I would kill you right at this moment.. but that would be too easy now, would it? He said as I still struggled. "Besides, I'd love for my son to witness your death." He said as he finally let go of his grip and I started gasping for air.

"You won't get away with this.." I whispered.

"We'll see about that.. but for now, you should get to sleep. Night, night, hedgehog."

I feel a sharp pain on my neck and it turns pitch black.

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