Not willing to hide.

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Even if it IS possible, they can't be together. It won't work.

But now, to return back to Sonic and Longclaw, to warn them and the owls that the echidnas are arriving tommorow night!


I stare at the outside from my window, waiting for Tails to return.

And then my mind jumps back to Knuckles again. I begin to start smiling like an idiot.

I cupped my own face with my hands.

Knuckles.. have you been thinking of me too? Do you want to see me as much as I want to see you?

Whats this feeling that I'm feeling right now? And what was Tails about to say before Longclaw called me inside?

I start to see Tails in the distance and I leave my room to go and greet Tails.

"Longclaw! Tails is home!" I yelled.

"That's good!" She said.

And on our way to the front door, Tails bursts in, completely out of breath.

"Tails!?" We both called out in complete worry.

"Tails? What happened?!" I asked, closing the door behind him.

"The echidnas!.. they- they're coming to attack! Tommorow night!" He cried out.

I gasped and Longclaw's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!.. I was completely off guard in my position and I could've warned you guys sooner, I'm sorry!" He yelled, lowering his head.

Longclaw pulls him into hug.

"It's not your fault dear..everything will be okay." She said with a smile.

I also joined in on the hug.

"Yeah Tails, everything will be alright." I agreed.

"Now, the two of you off to bed."

"Aren't you going to warn the other owls?" I asked.

"Trust me hun, us owls know exactly what to do, I'll warn them in the morning."

I nodded and went off to my room.

I start to wrap myself under the covers and think.

Hopefully nothing terrible happens tommorow night.


I wake up, still wanting to sleep more abut sadly cannot.

I step out of my room and into the living room to see Tails passed out on the couch.

He must've been really tired from his journey last night.

I go into the kitchen to prepare myself, Tails and Longclaw some breakfast but see a note on the kitchen counter.

'Sonic my dear, I woke up and left very early to warn the owls. You know what to do if I'm not back on time, I'll see you soon ~ Longclaw'

I rubbed my neck and placed the note back on the kitchen counter.

I hope nothing bad happens to you Longclaw, I don't know what I'll do if that we're to happen..

"Morning Sonic!"

I jump back in surprise. I quickly turn around and see Tails rubbing his eyes.

"Shit Tails! you scared me!" I said, but quickly covering my mouth because of my foul language.

"Shit?" He questioned.

"Shh! Don't say that!" I yelled in embarrassment.

"But you said it though."

"I know! But it just came out! Don't say it though!.. Longclaw would absolutely lecture me for hours if she found out you learned that from me." I stated.

He nodded and noticed the note on the counter and he grabbed it.

"Oh!.. she wants us to go in the basement if she doesn't make it back right?" He asked.

I let out a loud groan.

"Sadly yes.." I replied.

"Cmon Sonic, you know it's to keep us safe." He said grabbing his eggs and bacon that I made for him.

"Yeah yeah I know." I said

"Let's just enjoy the time we have right now okay?"

I nod with a smile.



I look out the window.

"She still isn't back yet..." I softy said.

"Yeah I know.." Tails said, standing beside me.

"Well, you know where we have to be, at least you got company!" Tails said, gently grabbing onto my arm.

"Yeah.." I replied.

I take a step and hear a loud sound from the outside. I quickly turn back at the window and see a tree in the distance start collapsing onto the ground.

And then I see a red bright light..

"Sonic!.. that isn't good! Cmon let's go!"

I feel something in my stomach again, it's that feeling that  I always feel while thinking of Knuckles..

"I can't Tails.." I finally responded.

"What?!" He asked in shock.

"He's out there..I know he is!" I said.

I start to make my way to the door and Tails rushes to door before I can, completely blocking it.

"Are you insane!? The echidnas are out there right now. Are you asking for a death wish?!" He yelled.

"Knuckles is out there Tails! I have to see him!" I yelled in excitement.

"I forbid you to take a step out this door Sonic!"

I take a glance at the window.


And with that I quickly dash to the window and jump out. Of course with my super fast speed, I make my way to the bright red light.


Separating from my tribe. I start to search in this deepest part of the forest in search of the owls.. and sonic.

And with these trees being in my way, I knocked one down to have a better view.

I feel something in my stomach.. a feeling as if he was near by...

I let out a sarcastic laugh.

Sonic the hedgehog.. once I get my hands on you.. it will be your end!

I punched another tree in anger, causing it to collapse.


I hear a voice behind me, and I quickly turn around to see a familiar blue figure.

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