More into the liking.

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I wake up to see a sleeping Knuckles next to me.

I sighed in relief. It wasn't just a dream.. me and him actually ran away!... well I dragged him away.. eh I'll still count it.

I face Knuckles. He looks so peaceful.. I would absolutely love to wake up every morning next to him.

Knuckles slowly starts waking up and I quickly look away as if I wasn't even staring at all, I begin to sit up as well.

"Morning." I heard him say. He also starts slowly sitting up.

"Good morning sleepyhead, how'd ya sleep?" I asked, slightly leaning on him.

"I actually slept great, best sleep I've ever had." He said, rubbing his eyes. I smiled in response.

"Well that's good! But now, let's find ourself some breakfast and then we'll go.. our separate ways." I said with hesitation.

"Right.." Knuckles said, getting up from the ground.

"I'm pretty sure there's a lake near by.. we'll hunt for some fish!" I exclaimed, running out of the cave. Knuckles chuckled and immediately followed.

After walking which seemed about for 20 minutes, me and Knuckles found a lake and you know.. doing what we had to do in order to survive.

After we were finished completely ending lives of fishies, we sat down on the ground and stared off into the beautiful view in front of us.

"Sonic, I remembered what you told me.. about having some strange feeling in your stomach whenever you think of me and I found out that it's considered as butterflies." Knuckles explained.

"Oh! Are these butterflies a good thing?" I asked.

"Well.. yeah. My father told me he felt them everytime he saw my mother and they were married." He stated and I just nodded.

"You feel these butterflies Sonic, and I do as well.. so.. we should be married."

"WHA-" I yelled. He doesn't anything but stares blankly.

"I'm pretty sure that's now how these 'butterflies' work. Besides it takes a lot to be married!-" I chuckled nervously.

"I see..." he answered.

"But Knuckles.. if you like me in return, why do you want to stay away from me?" I asked him.

"Because I- er.. I thought you were corrupting my mind or some sort- and what do you by 'like'?.. exactly." He asked but hesitating midway.

"Well since you mentioned about marriage.. uh- liking someone leads to that, you get what I mean?.." I softly asked.

"So this feeling that I've been feeling lately.. is because I like you? Like how my parents did?"

"Mhm!" I happily replied.

"Hm... so then we should get married right?"

"Knuckles.. we're too young for that." I said while patting his back and getting up from the ground.

"Sonic.. do you know how exactly people who like eachother act with one another?" He asked, also getting up from the ground.

"Well, I read a lot of books involving love so yeah.. I guess." I said, rubbing my neck.

"Okay. What do they do?" He asked again.

My face reddened at his question. Remembering the amount of things that happened in the books I've read.

"Uh.. they hold eachother by the hand, they obviously hug eachother, and...uh.. they- they kiss." I said while squinting my eyes. He may not have an idea what I mean but I won't underestimate him at these kinds of things.

"Hold eachother by the hand?"

"Like this?" He asked, grabbing my hand unexpectedly.

"Um!... yeah!" I said while nervously nodding.

He smiled and I smiled in return.

"Look.. I- I don't think I'm ready to go home.. I know you said we can go our separate ways but.. I no longer want to." He said with a slight frown.


"Your presence.. it makes me no longer want to leave your side ever again.. I know at some point I have to!.. but for now, I want to spend this time with you. I want to be away from everything else!.. the training, my tribe, my father! You just make me forget all that .." He exclaimed, now with a smile on his face.

"Oh.. Knuckles.. I don't ever want to leave your side either." I said, I felt as if tears were starting to form. I knew that they were exactly tears of joy.

"Though, it's kind of strange.. I never thought my interest would be.. er- in men?" He said.

"Same here, but you know what, I like it! I like you!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him, pulling him into a hug and snuggling on his chance.

"And I like you, Sonic." He said as he brushed my quills.

I really enjoy our height difference.

We hold hands on our way to walk around deep into the woods, being careful of our surroundings.

My thoughts go back to Tails and Longclaw.. I hope they're okay..

I know they're worried sick and I bet Knuckles' father is as well. But you know what.. I'll deal with the consequences later.. for now..

I'm spending time with you.. Knuckles the echidna.


I refuse to believe this is real. I mean do I really like the hedgehog.. or am I just confused?

How can I be? I enjoy being with him, I completely forgot this whole war bullshit existed, and.. I enjoy holding his hand.

I never had this sort of affection from anyone and never gave it towards anyone. Defeating the owls is something I've always been taught to do. Liking someone is something I never have been taught..

My father will absolutely kill me if he found out I have no absolute interest in women. And worse, if he finds out I like Sonic, the apprentice of Longclaw.. well, at this point I don't care on what side he's on, I like him for him.

I still feel like this is all some dream.. a very good one-

Oh, hedgehog..

What have you done to me?

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