Return pt.2

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There's only silence in the room and before I'm able to even speak, Longclaw rushes over to me and puts her wings around me.

"Longclaw I-"

"Oh Sonic, I thought I lost you! I thought I would never see you again!" She sobbed.

"I'm fine Longclaw.." I answered.

"I hoped you'd be, I thought that horrible echidna did something to you!"

The fact that she said that about Knuckles completely infuriated me.

"Don't talk about him that way and he's not horrible!" I yelled, pulling away from her.

"He's an echidna, of course he is!" She yelled back.

"He did not kidnap me Longclaw!.. If anything I took him away from his tribe.." I softly said and she gasped at this.

"Why'd you leave with Locke's son?" She glared at me but I wasn't afraid.

"Because I wanted to run away from all this!.. it wasn't my plan to before but once me and Knuckles were together that's what WE did. We ran!" I yelled.

"And.. Knuckles also wanted to run away from his own tribe, his training, his father?-" she asked, raising a brow. All I did was nod as a response.

"How do you know he's not fooling you?!"

"Because- because.. we- we like eachother..romantically" I hesitated.

Longclaw doesn't say anything but stares at me blankly.

"You're... serious?" She finally said. I nodded once again.

"I don't even know what to say.. I don't even know whether or not I should believe that-" she sighed.

"It's true, Longclaw, the echidna and Sonic do like eachother that way." Tails said behind me.

"You knew about this?!" She asked.

"Yes." was all Tails responded.

"Do you not accept the gender I'm interested in? Is there something wrong with it?" I asked softly.

"It's not that.. I love the way you are Sonic.. it's just the person that you like that's the issue." She replied.

"He's not bad at all Longclaw! I promise you, he hates this just as much as we do!" I exclaimed. She sighed once again.

"Do you love him, Sonic?"

I froze at the question. I've never thought about it before, but honestly... I think I do. I am.. I am in love with him. There's no doubt about it at all.

"I do.." I answered. She frowned at the thought of me actually admitting it.

"I can't.. I can't let you stop seeing him- If I stop letting you see him permanently.. you become miserable, but you stay protected-"

"Protect me from what?! He won't harm me, Longclaw!" I yelled. Longclaw doesn't say anything for a few moments until she opens her beak to speak.

"I trust you, Sonic.. if you think this ech-  Knuckles is different from his tribe then- you're allowed to see him." She slightly smiled.

"Really?!" I exclaimed. She slowly nodded.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I cried out, giving her a giant hug. She gently patted my head and with that I skipped over to him with absolute complete joy.

I just hope that Knuckles will be able to see me as well..


As I saw Sonic skip over to his room with joy, I smiled, I was really happy for him. Him and .. Knuckes really deserve eachother.

"Tails, I want you to follow him whenever he goes and meets with that echidna!" Longclaw whispered to me.

"But I thought you said you trusted -"

"Yes, I trust my dear Sonic, not the echidna!"

"You make sure that the echidna doesn't do anything suspicious, and if he does.. alert me." She added.

As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. Even though the echidna seems like he likes Sonic in return, he could be pulling a trick on him...Then again he could not.

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