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"This stupid gps! It got me lost.. and it's windy as hell out here!.. " I said to myself.

"I better get home before it gets worse."

"You seem lost." A voice behind me said.

I immediately turn around and see a familiar figure.

It's Knuckles.

My heart begins to race as I remember Tails' words. Knuckles has his arms crossed, not looking to happy.

"Knuckles!.. uh- hi" I said nervously.

"I don't know whether I should kill you or allow you to live" He said while approaching me.

"It would be really nice if you allow me to live!" I said, taking a few steps back.

"You think it was funny throwing something at my window and then running off into the woods with speed of yours, acting like I wouldn't see you?!" He yelled.

"What- no! Besides, I hope you know it's windy out so something must've hit your window." I responded.

He looks down at the gps.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Oh! Uh.. it's a gps, it was SUPPOSED to help me get to a location but didn't." I said, taking a look at it.

"Where were you planning to go?"

I felt my cheeks burn.

"Um.. no where... anymore." I replied.

It was just pure silence between us now. I take a glance at him and he has such an intense look on his face.

I stop the silence by speaking.

"Look Knuckles.. about last night.. I'm sorry that my friend tased you, but I can assure you that everything I said wasn't a lie.. you have to believe me." I said.

"Why'd he do it?"

"Because he's my best friend, he's overprotective." I said. Knuckles nodded.

"I see."

He gets ready to walk away but I stop him by grabbing his wrist.

"Wait is that it?! We met after so many years and you're just going to treat it as if us reuniting meant nothing?.." I said with a frown. I hear Knuckles take a breath and slowly letting it out.

"You're making me feel things I've never felt before. " He said. I smiled at that.

"Like what?" I asked. Hoping he'd say what I was thinking.

"I don't know." He replied.

Guess not.

"Well I can tell you how I truly feel."

He raised a brow.

"Knuckles, I now have a better understanding of my feelings towards you, so I have a better explanation..." 


"I didn't get it before, but me feeling this great feeling in my stomach whenever I think of you. My heart racing seeing you right now and just being with you it just makes me-"

"Stop!" He yelled, putting a hand in the air motioning me to stop talking.

"Whatever you're feeling, it needs to stop. Don't you see there's a bigger problem here? Im supposed to kill you so these feelings can go away but I can't! And another thing, I can't be seen with you, your Longclaw's apprentice." He stated.

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