Need of a rescue.

775 19 7



Me and Tails are standing outside the house, watching the beautiful sunset.

"Hey Tails, I've been meaning to ask you.. how'd you know what I was feeling was 'Liking'
Knuckles as a romantic partner and not as a friend?" I asked.

"Well.. when you lived with a bunch of female owls you kind of get the idea." He replied.

"Oh? Well that's interesting.." I answered.

I spot something far in the woods though.

"Hey Tails, do you see that?" I asked. I turn towards Tails to see his eyes slowly widening.

"It's the echidnas.."


"We have to go warn Longclaw cmon!" Tails yelled, running inside and I followed him.

"Longclaw! The echidnas.. they're near by.." Tails said, out of breath.

"What?!" She cried out.

"What are they doing here out of nowhere anyways?" I added on.

"They're up to no good like the usual! That's it! If they want to fight we'll give them a fight!" She scoffed.

"Alright boys, you know where to go. I'll be back!" She said, flying towards the door and she swept herself off her feet and flew into the sky.

"Tails.. I can't let her do this." I softly said.

"No Sonic! I know what you're thinking and I will not go through with it." He remarked.

"Well then don't come along!" I said, heading towards the door.

"You're so stubborn!" Was the last thing I heard from Tails before running out and heading towards the woods.

I don't know what the hell could happen to me but I can't let Longclaw get hurt. I see her as a mother I never had and if something were happen to her, I'd completely lose it.

As I get deeper into the woods, I hear shouting, sounds of twigs breaking, and loud stomping.

"I must be near by.. a little too near by." I whispered.

I kept running and running until I spot a crowd of echidnas and owls.

I let out a loud gasp and I quickly run into the first bush near by.

I peak through the bushes to see if I can see Longclaw at all, but cannot. Then, I try and spot Knuckles but also cannot.

"You won't be bothering us anymore Locke!" I heard Longclaw yell.

"We'll see about that! Echidnas.. ATTACK."

I hide in the bush in complete fear. Longclaw and the owls needs to retreat!.. but It's too late now.

If only I can find Longclaw and pull her away quickly.

All I can hear is a whole bunch of weapons being shot and loud screams..

I peak out of the bushes for a quick second and hope to not be spotted.

"Get him!" I heard an owl yell and I see an arrow being shot. I watch who the arrow is about to hit slowly and carefully..

I see that the arrow is about to hit ..


"Knuckles, Watch out!" I yelled, and without  meaning to, I charged towards him, I grabbed him in bridal style and ran out of the racket.

"Hey what the?!" Knuckles questioned.  "The hell did you come from?!"

"I was hiding but I couldn't.. not anymore- not when you were about to get shot with an arrow. " I said with a frown.

"And I could've taken it! Now let go will you!?" He yelled, placing his on my shoulders and shoving me roughly In order to drop him.

Though, I didn't  let go, my grip of him was strong, I knew he was going to pull some shit like this.. and when he shoved me, I lost my balance and landed on top of him.

"Why'd you do that?.." I groaned.

"To get you to drop me but failed... successfully." He said while panting.

"Knuckles.. even if you could've taken it, I still wouldn't bare to see you get hurt in any way.." I said as I start to get off of him.

"Do you even know where you brought us?!" Knuckles asked, also sitting up.

"No but I don't think it's a good idea to go back until morning.."

"Morning!? No! I need to go back to my tribe!" Knuckles yelled, standing up quickly from the ground.

"Well good luck finding your way back without my help." I said, crossing my arms and giving a cocky smirk.

He rolled his eyes and turned away from me.

"We need shelter or something." He stated.

"I'm pretty sure we can find a cave or something near by, cmon!" I said, waving my hand in the air, motioning him to follow me.

He let out a frustrated sigh and followed me.

It was silent between us while walking. If I'm being honest.. it was quite nice..awkward but nice. My heart was racing a lot actually but it was a good thing.

"I never get to thank you for saving me, my apologies for being rude about it." Knuckles said, breaking the silence.

"Ah.. It's alright." I replied. "Hey look! There's a cave!" I exclaimed and ran towards it. I heard Knuckles follow me from behind.

"This isn't prefect but it's good enough to stay the night." I stated.

"Yeah.." He said, laying himself down in the ground.

I join him as I lay beside him.


Sonic joins me on the ground, we're now facing eachother and I feel my face reddening. I quickly turn around.

"Don't you think you're a little too close?!" I asked him. He only chuckled as a response.

"When I wished to spend more time with you, I didn't think we'd spend time together in a cave." He said, but I could tell he was nervous.

I feel my face redden even more but I turn to face him, not giving an absolute shit if he'd notice.

"Yeah?" Was all I said to him and he happily nodded.

I couldn't resist not smiling. There was just something about him that I really enjoy. I don't know if it's his emerald-green eyes, his blue fur.. or just his presence in general.

Without meaning to, I place a hand on his cheek, brushing his face lightly. I noticed by me doing this is causing him to fall sleep quicker .. then he drifts to sleep.

I don't feel tired still, though I thought of my father's words. Butterflies are what he felt with my mother and they used to be married..and I feel these- butterflies whenever I'm with Sonic.

So does that mean I should marry him too?

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