It's love.

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"Yes, dear." She answered.

"Oh mom, that can't be.. besides-"

"Don't try and deny it, Knuckles. I see the way you look at him. It's the way I used to look at your father and it's definitely the way of how I look at Wynmacher now." She said.

"Could it be?" I asked.

"Even though you may not know what exactly "love" is... but surely, you do love him." She smiled. "My son.. in love." She sniffled.

"Oh mom.." I smiled as I shook my head.

"I'm sorry to ask you this Knuckles but... does your father know? About you and him?" My mother asked with a concern look.

"No! Of course not! He'd go mad.. he'd never allow it. He would never accept me." I sighed.

"If your father raised you, he should at least respect your interests. But your father was always that way.." she replied. "I don't know what I ever saw in him."

"You will tell him you love him, won't you?" She added.

"What If he doesn't feel the same?" I questioned.

"Trust me.. he does. I see it in his own eyes. He loves you, just as much as you love him."

"Hey! Are you two coming?" Sonic called out.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Let's not keep them waiting any longer." She chuckled.

"Tell us boys! How'd you two meet?" Wynmacher asked.  Sonic was about to let out a loud laugh but covered his mouth as quickly as he could.

"Well... we met as kids."

"Seriously?!" My mother asked, her eyes widening.

"Yes but you know.. not really surprising.. my father saw me and Sonic together and forbid me to see him for so many years." I shook my head. "And then we saw eachother once again not so long ago.. it was like- it was.. destiny for us to be reunited." I said, placing a hand over Sonic's.

"You want to tell them what you did when you first saw me after so many years?" Sonic whispered.

"That's not necessary!" I whispered back.

"How beautiful! You guys have know eachother.. practically since you were kids!"

"Hey Knuckles, do you happen to know how to chop some wood?" Wynmacher asked.

"Uhh.. no." I answered, tilting my head.

"You guys go ahead, have fun! I'll clean up for you. "

"Uh.. okay. I'll be back." I said, giving Sonic a quick kiss on the cheek.


I rolled my eyes playfully at my mother's reaction and joined Wynmacher outside.


"I can't let you clean up all this on your own ma'am! I'll help you." I remarked.

"Please, call me Lara, Sonic." She smiled.

"Right.. Lara."

"Thank you.. for making my son happy." She said softly.

"Of course! I like him so much, it's what I want to do!" I exclaimed.

"Like him? Or.. love him?"


"You two are so silly, you don't get married if you two only like eachother.. that's not how it works." She said.

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