The Ring.

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A ring?

Now why would Longclaw have a whole bunch of rings in this bag?

"Sonic! Tails is home!" I heard Longclaw yell from the living room.

I hold a hand to my chest and sigh in relief. I thought she was nearby-

As I stare at the ring for a little moment longer, I think of an idea.. a splendid idea.

I place the ring in my quills, hoping it doesn't get lost in there.. and I quickly place the bag back to it's spot.

I quickly get out of room without Longclaw noticing and head towards the living room to greet Tails.

"Tails, you're home!" I said, running towards him to give him a hug.

"Hi Sonic!"

"Where'd you go buddy?" I asked.

"Oh.. uh- you know, just flying around.. checking if everything is in order." He hesitantly said.


For some reason, I felt as if something wasn't right but decided to shrug it off and not think about it.

"Alright then...I need your help!-" I said, dragging him to my room.

"What's this about, Sonic?!"

"I need your help with .. finding Knuckles." I hesitated.

"Again?!" He shouted.

"Shh!.. first of all, your gps did not help me last time! I got lost!.." I whispered.

"You want to see Knuckles aga- today?"

"Yes." I replied with a smile.

"Alright well, here you go, this one should work!" Tails said, handing me the gps.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Now if Longclaw asks me where I am, just tell her I'm sleeping." I said, giving him a thumbs up. Tails nodded and stepped out of my room, while I jumped out of my window.


I stepped out of Sonic's room, hoping that he'll be alright. I sighed to myself.

When I say I'm happy for Sonic's relationship, I mean it.. but Im just scared that the echidna might break his heart. The echidna shows he likes him, but he could just be a really good actor-

It's clear that those two don't even like eachother-

They absolutely love eachother.

May nothing separate them, or else.. they're both going to be miserable..

I step into the living room to hang out with Longclaw since that's better than being alone.

"Hello dear.. are you alright?" Longclaw frowned.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said, scratching my head.

"Come here, come sit with me." She said, slightly smiling.

"Okay!" I exclaimed, making my way to the couch and then huddling close to her.


I jump a little from side to side... my spear aiming to hit my stuffed opponent.



"And... still got it. At least I'm not going soft because of the relationship I have with Sonic." I said to myself.

"I'm going to get some fresh air." I added.

As I made my way outside, I looked up into the sky and gazed at the moon.

'You remind me of a crescent' Sonic's voice played in my mind.

"Hey, at least I didn't get lost this time." A voice said.

I turned to my left and saw Sonic. His big smile, his big green eyes.. just him.

"How did you-" before I can even finish, Sonic holds out a gps in front of him.

"Right... the fox." I sighed while rolling my eyes.

"He has a name you know, It's Tails." He said, stuffing the gps in his quills.

"Tails?" I repeated. "Is it because he has an extra tail?"

He nodded in response.

"I see... but still, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see you." He happily said.

"I'm glad.. you know I always want to see you, but let's not be here at least.." I said, grabbing him by the hand and leading him away from my home. I just don't trust him here, I don't trust him around my father or the rest of the tribe at all.

"You know Knux.. I've been thinking about what you said."

"What do you mean?" I asked, raising a brow.

"About wanting to get married!.." He exclaimed.

"Oh? But I thought you said we were too yo-"

"Shhh.. just listen." He interrupted, putting a finger to his lips.

Before I could even say anything, Sonic gets on one knee, and gets a hold of my hand.

"Sonic, wha!-" my face now flustered.

"Knuckles, you know.. when I first saw you- I didn't think we'd be like this.. when I first gazed into those beautiful purple eyes of yours, I didn't think that this feeling was being into you, but I'm glad! So what I'm asking of you Knux.." He softly said, putting a hand in his quills, he's looking for something but I can tell he's struggling and I chuckle at this.

"Alright give me a moment..damn quills!" He groaned.

"Got it!.. alright.. anyways, Knuckles.. will you marry me?" He softly asked, holding a ring out in front of me.

I know these are another one of his jokes.. well the proposal at least. I know that everything he said before that was real. I still appreciate that he's doing this for me.

I join him by also getting on one knee.

"Sonic, I feel the exact same way, you made me feel to not dislike the fact that I'm interested in you. I'm glad we met .. Sonic the hedgehog.

"So.. is that a yes?" He asked.

"You're so silly... my answer is yes, Sonic."

"Yay!.. uh-" He hesitated, looking at my hand.

"Exactly where do I place the ring?.." He added.

"Hmm.." I didn't even where he could place it. We didn't exactly think this through.. well, he didn't-

"Oh I know! Right here!" He said, placing it on the spikey part of my glove.

"Good thinking!.." I answered.

"And this is the part where the groom kisses the groom, Knux!"

"Wait wha-" before I could even finishes, Sonic cups my face and kisses me deeply. We both lose our balance and we fall flat onto the ground but our lips don't part.

Hello! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! And thank you very much for 1k reads!!❤️

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