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"Sonic!" Knuckles and Tails exclaimed.

"You! Hand the emerald now!"

"You know what, I'm tired.. of this emerald crap. So, take this!" I yelled as I threw my arms over my head with the emerald and threw the emerald onto the ground, the emerald shattered into a bunch of pieces.

"Sonic, what have you done?.." Tails softly said.

"What I had to do." I panted.

"Give me back my friend and my boyfriend!"

"Locke will have your damn head for that."

"He's not going to take anything." I answered. I quickly charged at the echidna warrior, giving a kick to the face. Surprisingly, it was enough to make him go unconscious... guess he couldn't handle my speed. I looked back at Tails and Knuckles and ran to them.

"Are you two okay?!"

"Yeah, we're fine." Tails replied. Knuckles doesn't say anything but looks at the shattered emerald that was a few feet ahead of us. He begins to walk towards it, taking slow steps.

"I'm sorry about the emerald, Knux." I said as I began to follow him to the emerald.

"Im proud that you did this, It was a way to get the echidna warrior off your back." He said as he kneeled down onto the ground. "Besides, I would've never agreed to it if I wasn't able to put it back together." I stepped a foot in front of him, also beginning to kneel down.

"Once this is all over, I want us to go to earth for at least a little bit.. we can take Longclaw and Tails! We can all be together." I smiled a placed a hand over his own.

"That would be great, it'll be a way to forget all this ever happened." He said as he returned the smile. "But for now, let's go find Longclaw." He added as he grabbed each and every shattered piece of the emerald.

Knuckles, Tails, and I were running and running deep into the woods to be able to find Longclaw and we knew that we were close because of the amount of shouting and sounds of attacks.

Once we got there, my eyes widened at the sight in front of me.

Longclaw had a wound on her stomach.. and now that the emerald is shattered, I can't help her.

"Longclaw!" I shouted.

"Sonic, stay back! I'll be okay." She panted.

"No, I want to stay with you!" I replied.

"Well look who it is, came to join your mother in her death?" Locke said as he started approaching us.

"You! Of course you did this!" I yelled.

"Why wouldn't I?! Look what she has done to my arm!" He said as he snapped his arm in front of him, seeing that he has a wound on his arm.

"Father, do you not see the damage your causing?!"

"I don't care what I'm cau- caus- wait, is that.. the emerald?!" He said as he started to narrow his eyes into a glare.

"What have you done to the emerald?! It's shattered!" He said as he started making his way towards Knuckles.

"It's over! The emerald is shattered and there's nothing you could do, so deal with it!" Knuckles shouted.

"No.. no, no, no, NO! I won't deal with it.. I won't deal with it at all!" He yelled as he stomped his foot on the ground before shoving Knuckles, making him loose his balance and making him drop the shattered pieces.


"I had enough of you! You destroyed what mattered to me the most, you idiotic child!" He yelled, raising a hand in the air and I knew exactly what was going to happen.

I quickly sprinted towards Knuckles and grabbed him into my arms, creating a spin dash move that Tails taught me.

"You okay, Knux?" I softly asked.

"I would've been able to handle it.." He answered.

"I know you would.. but still, I wouldn't want to see my best friend, my partner, my love.. get hurt no matter what." I said, placing a hand onto his cheek.

"I absolutely am in love with you, Sonic the hedgehog."

"And I.. am in love with you, Knuckles the echidna."

"SHUT UP, YOU AND YOUR DISGUSTING ACTS END HERE!" Locke shouted as he raised a hand in the air again. Me and Knuckles embraced each other, not giving a care. I shut my eyes, ready to take a hit.

Many flashbacks started to flood my mind. The moment where I met, Knuckles, Tails, and Longclaw. The way Longclaw took me care of me ever since I was a baby, The why I always told Tails that being different means you're strong, and Knuckles.. the moment when we had our first kiss.

Those moments were magical that till this day, I still can't believe that it actually happened.

"Uh Sonic.." Knuckles said as his eyes started widening.

"What is it?"

"Look.." He said as he pointed at a forcefield surrounding us.

The shattered emerald pieces start to slowly rise from the ground and started circling around me in a quick motion.

"Whats happening?" Knuckles asked, releasing his arms from me and he began to back up a bit.

" I have no idea.."

A gold light then started to light up the entire Scene..

Hello guys! So it's now the weekend and I know I said that the story will be finished but sadly I don't think it will since I did get sick. Maybe, it will get finished this weekend but who knows.

On the opposite side~ movie sonknux! Where stories live. Discover now