Sonic vs. Knuckles pt. 1

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Writing this chapter hurt me guys :) so good luck reading it. Don't cry☝️


"Mmm! I don't know what these are but they sure are good.. seriously, what are these?!"

Before I can taste more of the edibles, a flash of green light brightens the bushes and trees in front of me and I quickly turn around.

"Now what is that supposed to be?" I questioned. "I should go see what it is, it looks dangerous and I'm not willing to let Sonic's dream planet get destroyed by this mysterious light."


"Wow.. so cool." I whispered.

Even though this temple may seem cool but it still has its rusty edges of danger. For example, having a whole bunch of booby traps lying and hanging around.

"Alright crazy temple, let's see what you got!"

As I dash through each trap, I know that I'm able to get quickly passed without getting injured. Longclaw doesn't call my powers special for nothing, you know.

"About time, the temple actually wasn't that bad at all." I said as I dusted some dirt off my shoulders and quills. Further from me, I spot the emerald ahead.

"Woah.. the master emerald." I whispered. "Now, I can take this back home without the echidnas putting their hands on it."

"Sonic?!" A voice called out to me, a very familiar voice, a voice I thought I would never hear again!

With a quick turn, I see that my assumptions were correct and I see Knuckles standing at the entrance.

"What are you doing here?! Actually no, how did you get here?!" I asked.

"Your ring here gave me the opportunity to finally escape my home and it brought me here.. to you. It is such a coincidence that you're here too, isn't it?" He said, taking a few steps forward.

"Don't come any closer! Look, I don't care that you're here now, I'm taking this emerald and I'm going home."

"I can't let you do that.." he said, taking steps closer and closer anyways.

"Why not?! So you can give it to your dad so you guys can destroy the owls?!" I shouted.

"You couldn't have seriously believed what my father told you, right?!"

"Who cares... but you better go or-"

"Or what?! What are you going to do?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

"I have no choice, but to fight you." I answered, getting into a fighting position.

"What?! No. I won't fight you, Sonic.. I refuse to." He replied.

"Okay. Then I can take this and go home, right?!"


Now I see what he's doing, he wants me to fight him to release some stress.. no, some anger. He's been so angry of what my father told him that now he wants to take his anger out on me. Not to mention that I have to get him away from the emerald, so I have to take this as an advantage.

"Alright Sonic, you want me to fight you? I'll fight you."

"Now, that's more like it!" He said, as he got back into his fighting position and I raise my fists in front of me. I won't hurt him, I'll just dodge his attacks. I know he won't be pleased, but this could be a way of him listening to me. I won't keep my mouth shut about my father's lies, I'll make him listen.

Without another word, he charges towards me, with a kick towards the face but I was able to dodge. That was my technique, to only dodge, dodge, and dodge. As of result of doing that to all of his attacks, he got frustrated.

"You call this a fight?! I'm the only one attacking!" He yelled.

"I've had enough of this, okay? Will you listen to me?! Does that bring any memories?!"

"Of our second encounter." He said as he took some breaths.

"Exactly. So now, I need you to listen!"

"Fine." He groaned.

"Okay.. Sonic, my father lied! Okay?! He lied about everything. Everything that happened between us was real. I didn't get into a relationship so that you can bring me to the master emerald. I was with you, for you! Because you opened my eyes! Because I lo-" Before I was able to finish, Sonic punched me with full force to the face.

"You fooled me once.. you're not going to do it again." He glared at me.

"That's the last thing I would ever do to you.." I whispered, as I rubbed my cheek. He lowers his head and then I hear him letting out soft chuckles, slowly starting to get louder.

"But you did, Knuckles! You did.." He said as he slowly started tearing up. "But now, I'm not going to give you the same pain that you gave me, how does that sound?!"

"I'm not going to let that punch slide, Sonic... you took the opportunity to pull a punch when I was speaking!.. and that- that makes me furious." I glared at him.

"Then show me how furious you are!.." As Sonic said that, his eyes glow blue, indicating that he is charging chaos energy. Yet, even if his eyes are glowing, I can still see that his eyes are tearing up beyond that. I also build up chaos energy, I didn't know I could do that but I know for a fact that my anger caused it.

Now, me and Sonic charge at eachother at the same time, exchanging kicks and punches. Sonic aims another punch to the face but I grabbed his arm and threw him onto the ground. He then tries to quickly get up but I pinned him on the ground before he was able to.

"Alright Sonic, that's enough! You're at my grasp and I'm not letting go until you listen to me! I panted.

"You got to understand that my father lied! He doesn't accept me for me..He was absolutely furious when he found out that I was in a relationship with you. He wanted to keep us apart! And if you're trying to push me away.. like how I did towards you in the beginning then he has succeeded hasn't he?" I added. He doesn't say anything, he only lowered his head, his chin now resting on his chest.

"I loved you."

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