Memory lane.

641 21 8

I recommend y'all play the song because it goes well with the chapter! :)


Because of the amount of running we've done, me and Knuckles slept throughout the afternoon and evening and woke up in the middle of the night. I'm pretty sure it was around 11 now.. staying up throughout the night isn't really my thing but maybe this one time isn't too bad.

Knuckles woke up a little after I did and he was also a little surprised to see that we slept for quite a while.

"We slept for that long?!" He groaned while scratching his head.

"Yeah.." I chuckled in response.

"You want to walk around?" He asked. I nodded in reply and there we went.

"Knux, I want to show you something." I said, glancing at him.

"What is it?" Knuckles asked.

"Well.. Im not a very patient hedgehog you see.. so- guess we're going to have to race on it!" I smirked.

"A race I see!.. but don't hold back on me just because we're together hedgehog!" He yelled but also returning the smirk.

"You know I can't use my full speed, I'll beat you in an instant." I answered.

"Well, do an average speed." He said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright then. You ready!?" I said, getting ready in position.

"You bet I am!" He said, glancing at me.

And with that, we ran. And I must admit he's pretty fast, I've never seen him like this. It was pretty enjoyable to see though. Even though we're in a relationship, it won't stop us from being competitive with eachother.

Once we've arrived at the location, I guess I could say we were both tied. Not my way to go honestly, I enjoy being in first place.. at least- that's what I used to think.. before I met him.

"Wait a second.. this is the- the hydrangea garden.." He said, walking in front of me and scanning the garden.

"This is the place where we first met." I said, picking a flower from the garden.

"It's just as beautiful as I remembered."  He said, no longer turning his back towards me. He then notices the hydrangea in my hand and I hand it to him.

"I remember when you handed me one of these." I smiled and he chuckled.

"I remember that." He smiled.

I really had the urge to do something but for some reason, It wasn't exactly coming to mind.

Then I suddenly remembered something specifically from the books I've read.

"Sonic, something has been on my mind of the books you've told me about.." He said, staring at the hydrangea garden.

"Oh.. really?- what- what is it?" I said nervously. Im pretty sure he knew I was nervous as well.

He then turns around and approaches me. God damn, I feel my palms starting to sweat!

"What's a kiss?"

My heart immediately starts racing at the question.

"Well I'm not good at explaining it but- it's basically well-"

"Stop mumbling, Sonic." He interrupted. I gazed into his eyes and of course he seemed so serious.

"It's basically what you do when you're in love." 

"Love?" He asked, raising a brow in confusion and tilting his head.

"Love, is the most important thing. A deep feeling of affection." I answered.

"I would like to try this kiss."

My face flushed in embarrassment and I turned away from him.

"Um!- you sure, you want to do that?" I said, placing a hand on my cheek in pure embarrassment.

"You don't want to?" He asked.

"No! No! I do, it's just- I've never done it before-" I said, turning to face him.

"Then we shall be our first?" He said, grabbing my hands in his.

I didn't know what to say, I was too stunned to even speak. I could barely even feel my own face because of how flustered I've become.

"So how do we do it?" He asked.

"Well, it's kind of like this." I said, leaning towards his face and pressing my lips against his, quickly pulling away. So it was just a peck

With the moonlight, I can tell that after that he was also flustered.

"Well, uh- that's how you do i-" without being able to finish, I was cut off with another kiss.

Knuckles placed his lips on mine, and I was slowly melting into it. I was no longer embarrassed anymore, this feeling felt incredible, the amount of butterflies that I'm feeling right now.

After what felt about 20 seconds, our lips parted and we just gazed deep inside eachother's eyes. Only silence between us.. feeling the breeze of the wind and hearing the crickets chirp.

Knuckles cups my face and pulls me in, our foreheads now touching. I place my hands on his own and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment.

And then realized something.. oh god-

Is this what love feels like?

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