The talk about the echidnas.

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It's a new day, and I'm here, ready to train in order to fight against the owls.

My father has been training me since birth, ready to face any challenges that stand before me.

Im willing to destroy anything that gets in my way.

Though... a hedgehog that just seems like a blur has never left my mind and 10 damn years have passed.


My father was aggressively pulling me by the wrist back home and of course he didn't look too happy.

He was furious.

"What the hell were you doing with that boy, Knuckles?!" He asked with a very aggressive tone.

"Nothing bad happened father, we were just talking.." I replied.


"Nothing special."

He squinted his eyes but nodded as well.

"I know for a fact this won't be the last time you see that hedgehog, Knuckles."

"You guys met for a reason."

I gave a few blinks in confusion.

"Knuckles, that boy is Longclaw's apprentice! He could be the key to the master emerald!"

I completely saw where this was going.

"But! You cannot see that boy quite yet.. you need more training." He said, putting a finger on his chin.

I let out a sigh hearing this.

He walks over to me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"I hope you don't ever think about that hedgehog again son! Unless... it's thoughts of killing him. Him and Longclaw shall pay!"

I nodded in agreement. And smiled. Obviously.. it was a fake one. But a smile that can easily fool my father, to make him think I liked his idea.

Sure, I want Longclaw to pay... but the hedgehog.. he has nothing to do with this.

Perhaps he's corrupted my mind.. maybe that's why I'm feeling like this!

Oh that does it.. if I have to get rid of the hedgehog to stop thinking of him, his face, the way his voice sounded, just the memories of  us meeting!..

Then so be it-

I'm coming for you hedgehog.


If I'm being honest, I haven't forgotten about him.. of course because the bastard corrupted my mind with these.. kind thoughts of him.

My father asks me once in a while 'do you remember a blue hedgehog?' And I reply with a simple no. It's what he wants and it's what he shall receive. I still try to remember the color of his eyes and fur. Trying to remember the way he sounded while talking to me. And most importantly...

His name.


We've arrived at home now. Longclaw, Tails and I step inside and Longclaw makes her way to the kitchen to prepare some food for us.

"So.. Tails, you're a spy? That's so cool!"

"Yeah it's kinda what I was trained to do.." he replied.

I frowned.
He was trained to do this.. why?

"Seriously?.. but why?.." I asked.

"Well, since I'm good at making all kinds of gadgets, the owls have asked me to spy on the echidnas.. to see what they have planned!" he said.

I sighed.

Right.. the echidna tribe.


10 years before. Days after the event that occurred.

"Longclaw.. so you're telling me those red guys are the hunters?.." I softly asked.

She takes a deep breath and slowly nodded.

"So that boy... he was one of them.."

She nodded again.

"I'm sorry Sonic, I tried, I tried to warn you about what you could face.."

"You can't trust anyone.."

I shake my head in absolute disappointment.

"When you're a little bit older Sonic.. I'll tell you some more details... in the meantime.."

"We stay hidden."


The day I turned twelve was when Longclaw told me more details about the echidnas.

A tribe that the owls were against for many centuries.

The echidnas were after the master emerald. An object so powerful, that you can defeat as many armies as you please. But if it lands in the wrong hands..

It's over.

Which is why Longclaw's main responsibility is to keep the master emerald safe. She asks the other owls to mostly keep it protected though because she has to keep an eye on me.

"So you know about the master emerald right?"
I asked Tails.

"Yeah of course!" He exclaimed.

"Tails, tell me something.. are the echidnas really that horr-"

We hear Longclaw call from the kitchen that lunch is ready.

I slap my palm onto my forehead.

Damn it..

The echidnas can't be that terrible!.. at least.. not the mysterious red figure that I met.. a figure that I can't seem to forget..

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