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"The stars look beautiful tonight." Knuckes said.

"They do, don't they?" I answered. He nodded.

"Hey Knux.. you don't- still care about looking for the master emerald, do you?" I softly asked.

"It's what I've been training for, ever since I was born.. I can't stop now." He replied.

"Are you serious?.." I asked.

"Sonic, I really don't want to dis-"

"Do you know what will happen if your tribe gets their hands on the master emerald?! They'll eliminate all the owls, including Longclaw! Who I see as a mother, you guys will win sure but me, I'll lose everything!" I yelled.

"Sonic.. I won't stop looking for the master emerald, but when I do, I'll only wish the best for us.. that's all I ask." He answered.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

And with that we continued looking at the stars above.


Sonic and I decided to go back home since it started getting late.

While I was walking back, something that Sonic said came to mind.


My father told me that my mother decided to leave a few days after I was born.. I never knew why she did that.. but she did.
Wait a moment..

Why not ask her myself?

Once I've entered Inside my home, I sneak past my father and the tribe as quietly as I could.
There's got to be something here that can help me find my mother. I decide to enter my father's room to see if I'm able to find anything .

The first thing I noticed when I stepped in was a lot of rolled up maps. I went through most of them but then later on, realized that these became no use to me until I came across a map that had a specific location circled.


Something in my gut is telling me that my mother is there.

I got to see her..

I have to see her.

Though, I choose not to go alone! So therefore, I know who exactly can go with me. Hopefully he doesn't decline my offer but it's worth a try.

In the morning, I'll go to the woods to see if he appears. He always decides to run whenever he wants to, and there's no doubt he won't be running this time.



I head for a morning run, not only that but I'm also on my way to see Knuckles. I have his location memorized so I shouldn't get lost.

When I arrive, I already see Knuckles outside his home.. thank goodness for that.

"Hey Knux!" I said, giving him a wave.

"Sonic! I'm glad you're here." He smiled.

"You know I'd always come see you." I smiled in return.

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