Just us.

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After we finished walking around the woods for a while, we went back to the cave to rest and relax.

Me and Knuckles laid down on the cold surface and we turn to face eachother.

"You're so cute." He replied with a bright smile. A smile that literally light up the whole cave if it could.

"And the same goes for you." I said, placing a hand on his cheek. I have a thing for placing my hand on his cheek.

"Hey Sonic, when we were at the lake.. you mentioned some books that you've read.. could you maybe...tell me more?" He asked. I happily nodded.

"Well, I started reading these books about love when I was about- Mm.. twelve years old. Longclaw has a mini library and she allows me to go in there once in a while. I read a book called "The Beast's Heart" it's like the tale Beauty and the Beast but it's talking about the Beast's point of view. It was- it was absolutely romantic. Then I read this book about two princes falling in love, it was called "Red, White  & Royal Blue." I stated.

"That sounds amazing." He said softly.

"It was.." I let out a happy sigh.. and then frowned.

"Hey Knuckles.. do you think once we go back to our parents, do you think- that- we'll see eachother again?"

"Why.. of course, Sonic! I don't think I'll be able to bare not seeing you ever again." He cried.

"You know our parents will never lets us be together..right?" I replied.

"Yeah, yeah, I know."  He answered.

There was complete silence between us.

"Look Sonic.. I will always be against the owls, but I will never hunt you."

"And I will never hurt you." 

And with those last words between us, we fell fast asleep.



I wake up to Sonic wrapping an arm around me and I just smiled.

Im very much believing that every moment of this.. isn't a dream.

My thoughts wander back to my father. What excuse will I give him for my absence? Usually.. I wouldn't be doing this kind of thing, it's very unusual for me to do. This hedgehog just makes me forget about everything..

My father never showed me affection, he never gave a hug, just shoulder pats. He gives me compliments, but only about my strength and how well my training is. That's about it though.

Sonic, has shown me something that I've never received, made me feel things that I've never felt, and made me do things that I never thought I'd do.

I let out a sigh.

Sonic the hedgehog... you're definitely a match for me.

When Sonic woke up, we walked to the same lake we were at yesterday and got some breakfast. We then decided to walk around deep in the woods again.

"Hey Knux, so now that we've confirmed that we like eachother, does that mean we're in a romantic relationship now?" He asked.

"Knux??" I asked, raising a brow in confusion.

"Yeah! Short for Knuckles." He answered.

"So do I call you son? short for Sonic." I asked.

All he did was laugh out loud and I felt like I said something wrong.

"I think I'm going to stick to Sonic.." he softly said.

"Alright, if that's what you choose. To answer your question though, yeah, I guess we are in a relationship now." I replied.

He doesn't say anything in return but smiled at the fact of me saying that. He then stopped and I glanced at him, his eyes widening.

"Knuckles.. do you see that?" He said, looking out to the view in front of us. I also looked at the view in front of us to see..

An echidna warrior.

"Shit!" I whispered.

"They must be looking for you.." he said, his voice nearly cracking.

"I know.. cmon!" I pulled him into a different direction, and I really hoped that when I did that I didn't hurt him due to me not realizing my own strength.

I heard Sonic laughing behind me, I turned to him which caused him to slightly stop.

"This is fun!.. you and me running from an echidna warrior.. it's just like the books I've read!"

"Is that so?" I asked while panting.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed, laughing a bit more. This time I join in on the laugh.


Hearing Knuckles laugh made my heart race. It was a beautiful experience to see him this way. He's always so serious, I love it but it would be nice to see him smile often. I don't blame him though, everything his father put him through.. I can see why.

We ran further and further. Away from the echidna warrior, we didn't know where we were but we didn't care... as long as we were together, nothing mattered.

We then spotted a cave in the distance and went towards it. Me and Knuckles peeked inside and it actually looked really nice, there was ginormous crystals in the back that literally lit up the entire cave, and the ground wasn't soggy like the other one, it was absolutely beautiful.

"Well, this is our new place to stay in the meantime." Knuckles stated.

"It's perfect, and especially with you, I couldn't ask for anything better." I said, snuggling on his chest once again.

I stared at his chest which had a mark and my curiosity wanted to know what it meant.

"Hey Knux, what's this mark you have here?" I asked, resting my hand on chest and slightly brushing the mark.

"It's just a mark that displays my kind." He said, looking down on his chest and then looking back me.

"I love it! It looks like a crescent!" I exclaimed.

"And you, you act like the sun.. big and bright.. nobody how many times I tried to push you away but couldn't." He said, slightly smiling.

"Nothing could ever change the way I feel about you, Knuckles, the echidna."

"And nothing could change my feelings for you, Sonic, the hedgehog."

The sun & the moon.

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