Absolute pain.

416 13 4


"Wait you're not-"

"Knuckles. I'm afraid to tell you this but he's gone off somewhere." Locke replied.

"Where is he?.." I said, my voice starting to shake. I've never gone face to face with him before so .. I can say I was pretty nervous.

"You don't get it, do you?" He said, beginning to glare at me.

"He was messing with you. Can't you see he did all this for the master emerald! All he could've told you.. was a lie." He added.

My eyes widened in complete disappointment. Knuckles.. he couldn't have.. he wouldn't.

"He was using me to get the emerald, wasn't he?" I scoffed.

"Indeed he was, but he failed.. because you are useless."

No, I refuse to believe it! He wouldn't do this to me!" I yelled.

"Oh but he would, he would do anything for his tribe, for his father. He wouldn't waste years of training for someone.. like you." He answered.

I felt like completely breaking down. He fooled me.. no. His mother, that had to have been real! Everything we've been through was real!


With tears already forming my eyes, I didn't say anything else. So all I did was run, run away from him.

I didn't know where to run to, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was get away from.. everything.

After running for not so long, I stopped at an area that seemed completely unrecognizable.

"I need to clear my head.." I sighed to myself, heading towards a rock to rest my legs.

I then start to remember.. everything.. that happened between us, from the beginning to the end.



"Knuckles, nothing can come between us right?" I questioned.

"Nothing can, Sonic."

"You promise?"

"I promise."


"You promised." I held my head in my hands.

"YOU PROMISED, ASSHOLE." I yelled, quickly getting up.

"Liar." I scoffed, scratching my head and then see a paper fall from my quills.

"Hey.. I forgot about this! I was so into finding Knuckles that I forgot about this." I said, grabbing the paper from the ground.

I open the paper for it to reveal a map and then I notice a detail.

"Is that.. the master emerald?"

"It is! This is a map.. to the master emerald!" I exclaimed

"Well Knuckles, looks like your not going to get your hands on the master emerald after all.. because I will." I chuckled to myself.

"And when I do, I hope that'll make you feel the exact pain I'm feeling right now!" I shouted, stuffing the map back into my quills.


I've been in my room, completely guarded... and completely worried. I was worried for Sonic, and he must be worried sick looking for me!

After I stepped out my house that day.. my father refused to let me walk away so easily. So he grabbed me before I was able to get far, along with other echidna warriors, knowing that I would fight back if my father came alone. Speaking of the devil.. there he is.

"Hello son."

"I have nothing to say to you." I turned from him, my back now facing him.

"You give me that same answer everytime I step foot in here."

"And it's going to stay that way." I replied.

"It's so sad what you've become Knuckles. You were really on the right track you know.. the plan was for you to kill the hedgehog when you encountered him for the second time and to retrieve the emerald. He's just like your mother.. .distraction."

"Don't you dare mention my mother! You don't deserve to speak of her.. at all!" I shouted.

"Now that we speak of the hedgehog by the way.. I wish you could've seen his face son. The way he completely wanted to sob his eyes out in front of me."

"What did you do?!" I shouted, quickly facing him.

"Ohohoho, you're LUCKY I didn't do anything to him, I would've brought his head as souvenir for you." He sighed.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" I repeated, as I ran towards him and gripped his shoulders.

"I told him what was only true.."

"Which was?!"

"That you used him. That you only wanted him for the emerald."

"That's not the truth! You damn lunatic!" I shouted.

"Don't you dare insult me!" He yelled, shoving me roughly for me to hit the ground.

"You told him a whole bunch of lies, didn't you?!"

"If that's to keep him out of your life! Then it's what I have to do." He answered.

"No, you took mom away from me!.. I'm not letting you do the same to Sonic!" I yelled as I got up from the ground.

"You can do whatever you'd like Knuckles, you're not getting past me nor these strong members of the tribe." He said, heading towards the door.

"I wonder how much it'll take you to forget him."


I quickly come back home and get the supplies I need in order to retrieve the master emerald.

I pass by Tails in an instance, he calls out to me but I ignored him. As much as I wish to tell him what I'm about to do, I know he'll stop me and he'll tell Longclaw. I can't let that happen.. I'm doing this to protect my friends and family.

"Sonic, are you okay?" Tails asked. I turn to see him standing at the my bedroom door with a frown.

"I'm fine Tails." I lied.

"Did you find him?"

"No, and now.. I no longer want to." I said, with an absolute blank expression.

"What?! But why? You like him don't you?!" He cried out.

"Tails.. I've realized, I've betrayed my own family, over someone.. who lied, and lied, and lied! He!-" I stop as I see Tails beginning to get frightened by my tone.

I take a deep breath and I open my mouth to speak again.

"I'm sorry.. for raising my voice." I sighed .

"I'm going to fix everything Tails. I promise you." I added, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"You just need to trust me.. and- and I have to do this alone."

"Alright.. I trust you." He answered and without saying anything else, he steps out of my room and heads to his own.

I grab the map from my quills once again to take a look at it.

"What?! No, no. The emerald is in.. earth. Oh, now how the hell am I supposed to get there huh?!"

"Wait- if this map was in the library then there should be some key to get to earth, right?!" I asked myself.

I quickly head towards the library and scatter through the books to see if I can find anything.
I then spot the rings behind the books once again.

"I remember you.." I said as I grabbed the bag of rings, pulling one out.

Then, a flashback of me giving the ring to Knuckles waves through my mind. I grip the ring tightly..

"I'm going to get to earth whether you like it, or not!" I yelled, throwing the ring into the ground.

For it to reveal a portal.

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